1. Thanks a lot for umpteen mails and phone calls with anxiety about my safety and even with offers to send the money. I want my friends to understand one thing. If I landed myself in such a situation (not only me, but many of us who are really in such trouble,) I will certainly contact my son first, who is a Software engineer in Sanfransisco, USA, who can take care of me under any circumstances. For any reason if I had no access to him due to unforeseen circumstances, there are many close relatives who can bail me out in such situation. I think not only me, even all of you will not resort to sending mails soliciting money to e mail friends whom you have not even met, whenever you are stranded. Hence,let this be a lesson to all of us. Here is an interesting mail received from a friend of mine.
"Dear Sir,
These are the occupational hazards and regular perils of a cyber life that we lead. No problems. The use of terms like British Pounds, Dollars, Scotland, etc. were immediately indicating the dubious nature of the mail.
Of course, if the hacker had mentioned that you were stranded between say Tirunelveli and Ramanathapuram and asked for emergency money to be sent to an account with State Bank of India, I'm sure some of us would have been fooled"
Warm regards,
DeepakI am posting this not to give a new idea to the hackers, but to warn everybody, even if such situations happen, to be on the alert.
2. My e mail id remains the same.
hariharan.vaidayanathan@gmail.com. I have changed my password. My g mail is restored and I have started getting mails, thanks to my son who blocked the hacker's access to my mail. Many readers expressed the desire to contact me. I am available on
044 - 24621187, 044 - 42658038, mobles: 91 - 98840 24487, 98840 24437, 95000 64487.3. There were some complaints that some of the songs I uploaded in the blog are in in m4a format. Yes. I had all my collections under my iTunes library for the convenience of hearing them and organised them alphabet wise, Raagaa wise, composer wise etc. To convert such a huge volume of collections again to mp3 will be a tough task for me at this age. Yet, in future I will try to post them in mp3.
Alternatively, if the song in which you are interested, is not in mp3, you may use "altomp3" a free software available for download to convert such songs. It will be a tremendous task to convert the existing files in the blog to mp3.
I do not know whether, I will have time and energy to do it. Yet I will try my level best. Readers are requested to bear with me. If there are experts in my readers, who can suggest me the easiest way to solve this problem, I will be very much obliged.