My dearest daughter,
The day that you see me old, I ask that you have patience and that, above all, you try to understand, My dearest daughter.............
If when I talk to you, I repeat the same things, a thousand and one times, don't interrupt me to point out that I have already told you that. Instead, please listen to me, and remember a time when you were a little girl, I would read you the story again and again, night after night, until you went to sleep.
When I do not want to have a shower, do not scold me, and please do not try to embarrass me. Remember, instead, a time, when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented , in order to get you to bathe, when you were little girl.
When you see my ignorance of new technologies, give me the necessary time to learn, and please don't roll your eyes, or look at me with a mocking face. Remember my dearest, I taught you how to do so many things......... to eat properly....to dress and groom yourself, and how you can confront and deal with life.
The day you notice that I have grown old, my dearest daughter, please have patience and above all, please try to understand me. If, occasionally I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation, let me have the necessary time to remember, and If I cannot do it, don't become nervous, or impatient, or arrogant.
Instead, just know in your heart, that the most important thing for me, is to simply be with you and have you listening to me.
And when my old tired legs, won't let me walk as before, give me your hand......... in much the same way I did for you, when you made your first steps.
And when someday when I tell you that I do not want to live any more....... that I am ready to die......please do not get upset or angry...... because, one day, my dearest daughter, you will understand. Until then, just try to understand that at my age, we reach a point where we do not live any more, We just exist.
When this day comes for me you should not feel sad, and or incompetent for seeing me like this. Instead, I ask that you be with me, that you try to understand me and that you help me. Help me as I journey to the end of my life with love and with deep understanding of appreciation for the gift of the time and love we were blessed to share together. I will thank you........ by a smile.........and by the immense love I always had for you.
I love you ........ My dearest daughter,
Your mother
ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ