Kind attention please !
Mr. Raman, one of the readers, pointed out the error in the posting of Concert No 90 of G.N.B. The wonderful song number 6, Baalagopaala - Bhairavi was missing and thereby the numbers for the songs were also in error. Now I have corrected and posted the missing song. Those who downloaded the other songs may now download the song No 6 also and have the complete concert.
ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ಸಬ್ಸ್ಕ್ರೈಬ್ ಆಗಿ:
ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ (Atom)
ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ