Kiran Bedi, India's first woman Super-cop has started a website that enables the common man to get the Police to "act" positively. Please read contents of the site below and share the infrormation with others so that we all contribute to making India safer for one and all!!
This is very important information about a web site called as.
This is a site of an NGO started by Ms Kiran Bedi you can go tothis site an log your complaint regarding any crime if the police at yourplace is not accepting your complaint. Then this NGO will mail your complaint tothe DGP of your area. You can also use this mail as the legal documentin case of filing a case in the court of judgment.
This is to be noted that this site is directly administered byMs Kiran Bedi so all your mails directly goes to her.
Friends, Please spread this information in your network so that any one insuch need can go to this site and launch his/her complaint .There is another provision in case the police does not lodge a FIR ....I got a complaint registered with the police requesting them to file a FIR. after waiting for a week, when they did not do so , I filed an application under the RTI seeking information about the reason for not lodging a FIR, the person responsible for dereliction of duties and the action taken by the police against him...... Knocking came a cop at my doorstep requesting me to come to the police station and collect the FIR.....
contributed by Bhaskaran Sivaraman
ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ