�The picture that emerges is that of a great country in a state of moral decay. The immediate future seems to belong to the doomsayers rather than to cheermongers. We suffer from a fatty degeneration of conscience, and the malady seems to be not only persistent but prone to aggravation.
The life style of too many politicians and businessmen bears eloquent testimony to the truth of dictum that the single minded pursuit of money impoverishes the mind, shrivels the imagination and desiccates the heart. The tricolour fluttering all over the country is black, red and scarlet � black money, red tape and scarlet corruption.�
Do you know who said this ? roll below
Nani Palkhiwala wrote this on 16 January 1984. I wonder what he would have written today.

Nani Palkhiwala is a rare breed, how many of them today withdraw from the cases owing ethics which he has done in Indira Gandhi case. I was one of the fortunate to have listened to his some of the lecturs in Chennai. I do not know what he would have done when most of the judges are corrupt and probably he would fought tooth and nail to remove Justice (?) Dinakaran from his post