ಸೋಮವಾರ, ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್ 20, 2008

Gebang Temple (Yogyakarta)

Hindu religion is a relic of the century is estimated to 7 and also built by a King of wamca Sanjaya.

This temple has some idiosyncrasy that is not in the Hindu temples of others, such as the commemorative temple top form, consisting of the interest in the Seroja, GANECA statue in the back room, sitting on the runway Yoni, are in the main room, which is usually by Dewa a glorified, contains a phallus. Features of the other is the absence of the household (usually of stone berundak) that connect the foot of the temple with the main room, the room is so difficult to achieve. The temple is located in the Gebang Condongcatur, in the village of South Gebang, Kirkwall, Sleman, approximately 11 kilometers from the city center.


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