ಭಾನುವಾರ, ನವೆಂಬರ್ 30, 2008
Maros, South SUlawesi
The spectacular waterfall is located in the valley of steep limestone hills with lush tropical vegetation that makes this region so fertile that idel settlement of butterfly species and birds of the famous rare. In 1856-1857 the leading English naturalist Alfred Wallace Rusel spend most of his life is very enjoyable as this, many species of butterfly, birds, insects and rare. Among the butterfly species which are caught Papilo Androceles one of the butterfly, which is the largest and most caudate rare birds such as kites. a detailed explanation about this area to attract the attention of experts in archeology, prehistoric insects and experts. Area waterfalls and the surrounding area is a popular picnic and he is comfortable for the region around, swim and enjoy the scenery that is also interesting. From the waterfall one can drive toward a national park near the row of limestone hills.
2. Goa Dream
Goa is a dream dilapisan down approximately 15 minutes walk and it is located about 15 m from the height Bantimurung waterfall. Kehulu through the streets of the small waterfall to the waterfall and a small cave to cave our dreams. By using the flashlight or lantern we enjoy the beauty of various forms of limestone brought the dream dialam.
3. Primordial Park-Leang Leang
Through treatment and carefully planning the garden pubakala has many cave. One can enjoy a form of prehistoric paintings that are 5000 years ago. The archaeological experts have argued that some appear to have been inhabited cave around the beginning of 8000-3000 years before Christ. Cave-cave is a source of information available about the prehistoric not only in the South but also in the South-East Asia in general. Very easy to remember the five or eight thousand years ago was the time when people living Mesolitik inside the cave walls and touching the sea corals. Evidence found abundant marine life such as shellfish, sea shells in the area.
Luwu, South Sulawesi
1. Old Jami Mosque
This mosque is the inventor Dato Sulaeman. He is the first person to spread the religion of Islam and bring in South Sulawesi.The mosque was built in 1604 by King Luwu XVI called Setiaraja. The mosque is made based on the architecture that was taken from the model "is a", and made from PULPIT THERE ceramik from overseas.
2. Museum Batara Guru
This is the museum was the palace of King Luwu named Andi Jemma. Andi Jemma is the first time recognized the Kingdom of Luwu as part of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 August 1945. This place became the center plan strategy against Dutch colonialism. In this museum we can find the historic items from the Kingdom of Luwu. Furthermore, we also find that the traditional home of luxury Luwu kingdom that is beside the museum.
Gowa, South Sulawesi

Somba Opu stronghold same position with the stronghold of Ujung Pandang. Both are relics of history from the mighty kingdom of Lau in Sulawesi. Somba Opu stronghold now in the process of restoration of a return to the aspiration to be a cultural center called the miniature Sulawesi. Surrounding areas fortress rebuilt houses various traditional indigenous tribes from all nations in the South. Traditional houses from the kingdom of Gowa, Bugis, Mandar, Toraja and Blackburn have been awakened and deserve to respect. Each house was established in the traditional artistic and each describes the formation of a unique philosophy of cultural specificity of each tribe. As a center of culture and history, Somba Opu is the place to visit for the initial phase of interested in respect the history and culture of South Sulawesi.

This museum is a reconstruction of the old palace of Gowa kingdom, in order that the wood has been built in 1939. It has been years direstorasi in 1978-1980. Museum contains objects from the historic kingdom of Gowa, such as various Manuscript, musical instruments, traditional clothing, and various weapons collection tools ceremony kingdom.

Sultan Hasanuddin (1629-1670) the king of Gowa subjugate the entire lifetime of struggle against the Dutch. Burrying him are in burying complex the kings of Gowa, including the cemetery is a stone used as a place of inauguration of the kings of Gowa, and an ancient mosque .Funeral kings of Gowa made of large stones largest fragrance of flowers and white flowers cambodia the Flamboyan crimson glory. Outside the circle there is a tomb stone from "tomanurung" the place where all the kings of Gowa off. According to legend the kings of South Sulawesi feel derived from tomanurung, the king sent from heaven. Near of mosque is a mosque built in 1903 and direstorasi in 1978.

Kings made the Malino as a resting place in the past. And the Dutch government officials terrace change it to be recreational fun. Many kinds of beautiful tropical flowers found growing everywhere in the city that is cold. Besides interest malino yield fruits and vegetables that grow on the special slopes Bawakaraeng mountain. Mountain is considered sacred mountains for a group of people in South Sulawesi. Pine forests that grow around the region are at the high of 1,050 m above the sea, Mini, which means resting place for it. In the east of Malino about 4 km Takapala there is a waterfall which has special characteristics as it is set in the rice field. From the hilly city of Malino and cold, waterfall can be reached by vehicles during the 10 minutes while enjoying the beautiful natural panorama.

It is located 4 km east of Malino. Waterfall, which has special characteristics because he is from in the rice field. From the hilly city of Malino and cold, waterfall can be achieved by driving a horse that has been available for rental ride while also enjoying the beauty of the natural beauty and peace of this tropical region.
Enrekang, South Sulawesi
In the local language Ghatkopar Kabobong is erotic because of the mountain, forms created by the valleys and slopes from the hill. Houses built in place of rest while you are serving drinks and a beautiful panorama of the surrounding area.

Travel by boat along the River local Sa'dang the largest in South Sulawesi, an experience that is fun after a long trip on the highway.
Bulukumba, South Sulawesi

1. Tana Beru Places (making the boat)
2. Tanjung Bira
Tanjung Bira famous white sand beach with a beautiful and fun. The water clear for good places to swim. In the future, there are small islands with white sand spread. Adding a panorama of natural beauty around.'m Back in the top tower "Puang cowboy" at a height of 400 m, can be 40 minutes. In this place can see the sea from all corners of the wind. There are some facilities with lodging facilities.
Bira Beach is located approximately 41 km east city Bulukumba, with the defection of ports (Kathy), which connects the mainland with the island of South Sulawesi Selayar.
3. Kajang
Blackburn are people from ethnic sub-ethnic region of Makassar place special. Regional and population rather isolated from the outside world. Sukunya Head called ammatoa which is considered as a saint. Anyone who wants to meet with them must wear a black shirt and a sarong without footwear. They live harmony with nature, there is no life with the tools of modern means of transport such as cars that are not allowed to enter the area. Ceremony met face with ammatoa is a unique event.
Bone, South Sulawesi
Bone is Kingdom of Bugis that most strong at the time. Recording of the kings of Bone since the start of century to-14 CE in the 16th-century Christian Bone has dominated the local Bugis, associate himself with the government and Soppeng Wajo in the agreement Tellumpoccoe strength against the people of Makassar. After the war several times with the Makassar occupied in the year 1644. Gen. bring this resistance Aruppalakka king Bone in the year 1660 at which he organized with the participation of the Netherlands destroy Makassar in 1669. Bone Kingdom continue to be developed and crossed the Dutch position in the stronghold of Ujung Pandang. In 1824 the Dutch attack and occupy temporary capital of Bone Watampone.
In 1931, after a period of government transition Andi Mappanyukki off as the king of Bone. He is very influential in South Sulawesi to the status swapraja eliminated in the government of the Republic of Indonesia.
1. Watampone
Destruction in several times to attack the capital Watampone not give opportunity and destruction of various historical interest, with the exception of the remaining flash one office wall colorful as some of the palace Bone in 19th century CE. The museum is located at the corner of the main street is very important for the visit to see the Smart Bone from the sultanate. Complex grave kings with the type of tombs found in the king of Gowa Bukaka way to Sengkang. About 4 kilometers east of the port city located Bajoe, the name is taken from the name of Bajo boat people who live life on the boat seen in various corners of the archipelago. From Bajoe people can rise to Kathy Kolaka in Southeast Sulawesi.
2. Capable of Goa
Cave of the largest and a very spectacular range of limestone cave in South Sulawesi. Legend with the story, with the loss of empire Capable, James Brooke has been made very curious by the story, the kingdom is able and he has been trying to achieve energy sekaut cave in 1840. He will be very disappointed but he recognizes the very grandeur and beauty of the cave.
ಬುಧವಾರ, ನವೆಂಬರ್ 26, 2008
DAGO TEA HOUSE (Bandung, West Java)
Dago Tea House
Bandung - Starting from the habit of tea drinking people Netherlands, where it is given the name 'dago Tea House'. Through a long process, dago Tea House selected a cultural icon home of West Java Province.
Inspired from the cultural centers abroad, Director General of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Culture in 1970, Ida Bagus evening, intend to build a cultural center and art so advanced and life. Courtney, cultural center should be supported by means of prasana very adequate, such as building performances, art galleries, tetaer open, and workshop space. .
Through a long process, dago Tea House also selected to realize it. The place is located in the north of Bandung, South Click here precisely Hill No. A 53 is considered to be representative of the cultural center of the West as a "window" of art and culture in the region, with the name of Culture Park West Java Province.
Before the inception of regional autonomy, the management of the Park under the Directorate General of Cultural Arts Depbudpar. After autonomy, directly under the Office of Culture and Tourism Province of West Java Cultural Park West Java Province changed its name to Central Park and Cultural Management.
Central management of the Culture Park to open up various aspects of art and culture. Various arts and cultural activities both traditional and contemporary art held throughout the year with the time specified. Facilitating among artists, cultural, entertainment and event organizer, to organize various performances and non-performance.
Aligning the performance art each week, held at the Cultural Park during the year 2007. Appreciation in the community each event is high enough. Especially when the Cultural Park hold performance Bajidoran a tradition every night in the new year.
In addition, the development efforts in the development of arts and Cultural Park organized art education and training among the art of music, dance, theater and karawitan undertaken every day working in rotation according to schedule.
Park has a wide culture about 4 acres, ample parking space, and ground or whole page 12208.25 m2. Various other buildings as supporting the presentation of art and cultural activities are sufficient.
Theater Building Closed
A stage (play area) with a size of 12x15 m 6 m high floor of a building this center. Seating capacity of 640 features such as full screen, lighting system and sound system will makes a spectacular performance for the spectators. The restaurant dago House had tea there. With the vast 1,500 m2, with a capacity of 1,200 spectators. Comprising the stage and on the stage below. Stage of the 7m-sized 16x, 25x wide stage below 11.8 m. The location of the open (open water) to allow spectators to see the beautiful panorama of Bandung. Always fresh and the atmosphere throughout the show. At the front of the building open space there is a library and documentation facilities "Park Reader" which opened to the public. Where there are in the collection-book collection of art and culture.
Cafetaria Food scabby built on the Tea House restaurant dago. Enjoy fine dining while hangouts in Games in floor around the Open Theater. Although his name cafetaria so nyunda, besides Parahyangan cuisine as the main menu, the menu also offers European, Chinese food, and others.
Park Theater
Located on the front page Gallery, the park is to become an alternative choice dish performances with a smaller capacity spectators. However, the atmosphere of beautiful gardens will feel more relaxing.
Gallery (Exhibition Space)
This place is created as a reminder that in this place they had no culture of drinking tea. Gallery "Roemah Tea" which is complex in the Theater opens with the size of 250 m2. Consisting of two exhibition space, the space front and rear. Besides being used for exhibitions, also used for the discussion of race or invite mass relatively limited.
150 m2 wide building, used as a processing place or art, especially dance training. Can also serve as training centers and sports facilities.
Window Cenderamata
Souvenirs always sought after by tourists. In the souvenir window, can be a variety of fruit typical of West Java, a handicrafts and paintings with price variation.
For 2008, the write schedule in the agenda dago to visit the Tea House. Series of events will be waiting for diapresiasi.
ಮಂಗಳವಾರ, ನವೆಂಬರ್ 25, 2008
Tea Plantations (Bandung, West Java)

Malabar Tea Plantation
A tea plantation managed by the plantation company PTP XIII is just south of Pangalengan. From Bandung this is a full day’s outing, or better still a weekend outing with overnight stay at the company’s Malabar Guest House.
Rooms are $35, by reservation only (Jl. Juanda 107; phone 22-2502049). Guests have access to a special hot spring pool at Cibolang.
Pangalengan Tea Plantation
Another option is a tour of some two hours by car via Dayeuh Kolot to a small market town of Pangalengan, in southeast of Bandung. The town itself is of limited interest, but its surrounding area is quite delightful. Outing destinations from Pangalengan include two small lakes, a hot spring resort, the crater of Mt Wayang nearby, and a large tea plantations. The road network forms a loop from which further roads branch toward Santosa spotted with a tea processing factory, and Mt Papandayan, to Cisewu and on to the south coast. Another road connects to the Ciwidey Valley.
Santosa is lovely area, it offers an overnighting on the tea plantation a relaxing stay away from the rush of city life. A tea plantation managed by the plantation company PTP XIII just south of Pangalengan.
FOREST & CAMPING AREAS (Bandung, West Java)

Directions By public transportation go up to the Dago bus terminal and transfer to a minibus going to Taman Juanda. By car, drive up Jl. Juanda to the Dago terminal (about 3 km from the Jl. Siliwangi intersection) and take the second street to the left past the terminal. Drive on until you reach the entry gate to Juanda park. A hefty Rp. 2,500 is charge for parking your car, but there is little other choice.

Cihideung Flower Garden (Bandung, West Java)
Bandung has obtained the tittle City of Flowers certainly for a reason. The Cihideung Village in the northern part of the city display the remains of what has made Bandung always associated with flowers. Along the roads of Cihideung village we can see the front yard of every houses full of flowers and colorful decorative plants, welcoming every steps of visitors.
Bandung's Zoo (Bandung, West Java)
SPRINGS & WATERFALLS (Bandung, West Java)

Ciburuy Spring
Located 22 Km from Bandung famous with its typical nature that is high chalk hills boosting, provided with shop drink, souvenir, stage of artistry facilities.
Patenggang Spring
The tourism object which located at high level of south Bandung altitude more less 1.600 meter of the surface of sea.
Tourism activity which doing as enjoy the beautiful view and enjoy the fresh of mountain climate, and also boating and water motorcycle to around the lake, fishing, watch for flora and fauna, crossing the nature.beside that are activity the visitor also can walking and see surili animal between the tress, enjoy the beatifu of nature and the fresh of garden tea climate which located near the location.
Cimahi Waterfall
Located at subdistrict of Cisarua, 10 km from Cimahi to Lembang or can reached trough Lembang (before Grand Hotel), turn left to west, and gate there Cimahi - lembang street. To location of waterfall must trough by walking steep descend ( some part as stairs), and can reached on 15 - 30 minute, Curug (waterfall) visited by most youth who is like to do hiking.
Dago Waterfall
Curug Dago located at Nort of Bandung, the attraction of this location there are avaliable a waterfall with height 30 meter. Reach that waterfall do by walking or by motor cycle, altough not avaliable special line for vehicle.
This waterfall is part of upper course of Cikapundung river which crossed Bandung city. Avaliable facilities as : place for shelter and seat also temporari café, which present at holiday.
Waterfalls, recreation grounds and a magnificent gorge make Maribaya, just a few minutes east of Lembang, a very popular resort. On Sundays this is a particularly crowded spot. Minibuses and horse carts are frequent from Lembang. Maribaya draws many Bandung residents on Sundays because of the hot springs which are channeled into a small public pool and various private cabins. Some come here for the children’s playground and horseback ridding (about $3/hr.), and many just to have a picnic in the park.
A magnificent walk leads through the Cikapundung Gorge to Juanda Park, about an hour and a half away. The path leads first to a waterfall (unfortunately, no swimming is possible) and then in to the gorge. Farther on the path forks: left leads out of the valley again, up the slope and to an other fork where turning left takes you to an impressive view points just above Maribaya; the path to the right takes you to Dago. Walking further through the gorge you reach Juanda Park, passing Japanese World War II bunkers along the way. Another hike back to Bandung begins at the new car park posted “Curug Omas”, which is 5 km from the Lembang crossroads and before you reach Maribaya. This path provides far better views than the rail in the gorge. This trail, too, goes to Juanda Park or, some forty-five minutes longer, to the Ciumbuleuit area. Directions Go straight (east) at the Lembang crossroads and follow the charming tree-lined road. Some 4 km from Lembang the roads begins to dip steeply into the Cikapundung Valley. If you go by horse cart you have to walk this last downhill section. The Maribaya recreation park is 5.5 km from the crossroads.
ಸೋಮವಾರ, ನವೆಂಬರ್ 3, 2008
NATURAL TOOURISM (Bandung, West Java)
Tangkuban Perahu
The beautiful is still virgin and natural which hasn’t been touched by structuring. So many visitors are interested for it’s charming. Location in Sindangbarang 125 km from Cianjur and 220 km from Jakarta.
Puntang Mountain
Tourism atrraction Puntang mountain is historical tourism object which located at Komplek Gunung Malabar. On 1300 m in surface of sea with temparature between 18'- 23' C. base on the story of Pasundan society which develop of of the public, here before avaliable a kingdom which namely Nagara Puntang. At some place founded the rock thingk has related with inheritance of Puntang history as: Korsi rock, Kaca - kaca rocks and Kampaan rocks. On Hindia - Belanda period in this location established a radio transmitter (Stasiun Pemancar Radio Malabar). Until now ruins of that transmitter can be found, as witness of historiest.
Kawah Putih
At Bandung south area, about 46 km from Bandung avaliable one mountain which namely "Gunung Patuha - the oldest parent called, Gunung Sepuh 2434 m from the land, it is has 2 crater, thar are: Saat crater on the top of west, and Putih crater under the Saat crater 2.194 m from the land, both the crater formed because eruption on X century and XII century.
At Bandung south area, about 46 km from Bandung avaliable one mountain which namely "Gunung Patuha - the oldest parent called, Gunung Sepuh 2434 m from the land, it is has 2 crater, thar are: Saat crater on the top of west, and Putih crater under the Saat crater 2.194 m from the land, both the crater formed because eruption on X century and XII century.
Drive to Ciwidey via Soreang. Those using public transportation have to change in Ciwidey from a big bus to a minibus bound for Rancabali or Lake Patengan. Exactly 10 km from the Ciwidey bus terminal you come to the new access road to Kawah Putih on the left. This is the entrance to the western approach
After paying a small admission fee, you drive up about 6 km on a bumpy road (good enough for a minibus but rather rough on a sedan) to a car park. A short flight of steps takes you down to Kawah Putih. Those without a car can walk from the main to Kawah Putih in under two hours.
Kawah Ratu
Identical with the legend of Sangkuriang, there are 10 cauldron, among Ratu Cauldron, that located 29 Km from Bandung with temperature range from 7-29 degree Celsius with air dampness 45-49%.