1. Tana Beru Places (making the boat)
2. Tanjung Bira
Tanjung Bira famous white sand beach with a beautiful and fun. The water clear for good places to swim. In the future, there are small islands with white sand spread. Adding a panorama of natural beauty around.'m Back in the top tower "Puang cowboy" at a height of 400 m, can be 40 minutes. In this place can see the sea from all corners of the wind. There are some facilities with lodging facilities.
Bira Beach is located approximately 41 km east city Bulukumba, with the defection of ports (Kathy), which connects the mainland with the island of South Sulawesi Selayar.
3. Kajang
Blackburn are people from ethnic sub-ethnic region of Makassar place special. Regional and population rather isolated from the outside world. Sukunya Head called ammatoa which is considered as a saint. Anyone who wants to meet with them must wear a black shirt and a sarong without footwear. They live harmony with nature, there is no life with the tools of modern means of transport such as cars that are not allowed to enter the area. Ceremony met face with ammatoa is a unique event.
ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ