Ciburuy Spring
Located 22 Km from Bandung famous with its typical nature that is high chalk hills boosting, provided with shop drink, souvenir, stage of artistry facilities.
Patenggang Spring
The tourism object which located at high level of south Bandung altitude more less 1.600 meter of the surface of sea.
Tourism activity which doing as enjoy the beautiful view and enjoy the fresh of mountain climate, and also boating and water motorcycle to around the lake, fishing, watch for flora and fauna, crossing the nature.beside that are activity the visitor also can walking and see surili animal between the tress, enjoy the beatifu of nature and the fresh of garden tea climate which located near the location.
Cimahi Waterfall
Located at subdistrict of Cisarua, 10 km from Cimahi to Lembang or can reached trough Lembang (before Grand Hotel), turn left to west, and gate there Cimahi - lembang street. To location of waterfall must trough by walking steep descend ( some part as stairs), and can reached on 15 - 30 minute, Curug (waterfall) visited by most youth who is like to do hiking.
Dago Waterfall
Curug Dago located at Nort of Bandung, the attraction of this location there are avaliable a waterfall with height 30 meter. Reach that waterfall do by walking or by motor cycle, altough not avaliable special line for vehicle.
This waterfall is part of upper course of Cikapundung river which crossed Bandung city. Avaliable facilities as : place for shelter and seat also temporari café, which present at holiday.
Waterfalls, recreation grounds and a magnificent gorge make Maribaya, just a few minutes east of Lembang, a very popular resort. On Sundays this is a particularly crowded spot. Minibuses and horse carts are frequent from Lembang. Maribaya draws many Bandung residents on Sundays because of the hot springs which are channeled into a small public pool and various private cabins. Some come here for the children’s playground and horseback ridding (about $3/hr.), and many just to have a picnic in the park.
A magnificent walk leads through the Cikapundung Gorge to Juanda Park, about an hour and a half away. The path leads first to a waterfall (unfortunately, no swimming is possible) and then in to the gorge. Farther on the path forks: left leads out of the valley again, up the slope and to an other fork where turning left takes you to an impressive view points just above Maribaya; the path to the right takes you to Dago. Walking further through the gorge you reach Juanda Park, passing Japanese World War II bunkers along the way. Another hike back to Bandung begins at the new car park posted “Curug Omas”, which is 5 km from the Lembang crossroads and before you reach Maribaya. This path provides far better views than the rail in the gorge. This trail, too, goes to Juanda Park or, some forty-five minutes longer, to the Ciumbuleuit area. Directions Go straight (east) at the Lembang crossroads and follow the charming tree-lined road. Some 4 km from Lembang the roads begins to dip steeply into the Cikapundung Valley. If you go by horse cart you have to walk this last downhill section. The Maribaya recreation park is 5.5 km from the crossroads.
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