GRAND PRIZE WINNER: Nature category: Eruption ...
GRAND PRIZE WINNER: Nature category: Eruption of Gunung Rinjani. On June 2009, my friends and I planned to trekked Gunung Rinjani. Our plans were foiled due to the eruption & we can only trek to the crater rim. This was what I saw when I was there. Trekkers whom were able to make it up to the crater rim on time are able to camp overnight to witness the eruption whole night long. I wanted to share with everyone this experience of seeing many elements going on at a particular point in time, that is many trekkers beholding the sight of a volcanic eruption as the sun slowly rises from behind Rinjani on the left & the moon setting on the right. (Photo courtesy of The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest/Aaron Lim Boon Teck)
FINALIST WINNER: People category: Buffalo Race
FINALIST WINNER: People category: Buffalo Race. This photo was taken in Indonesia, farmers will held the buffalo race before the farming season every year, they believe will be luck if their buffalo win the race.
(Photo courtesy of The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest/Chan Kwok Hung)FINALIST WINNER: Places category: Ship Breakers ...
FINALIST WINNER: Places category: Ship Breakers of Chittagong. Chittagong in Bangladesh is the second biggest ship breaking yard in the world, it is a graveyard where ships are taken in from all around the world for their last voyage, to be taken apart. Known for unsafe work practices and environmental pollution due to the demolition and ship breaking processes, Chittagong presents one of the biggest industry and job opportunities for many Bangladeshis. In this image, ship cut in a half is taken apart by workers, mostly by hand, one piece at a time. (Photo courtesy of The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest/Jana Asenbrennerova)
Salvation: Appreciate Life
The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest attracts thousands of imaginative and amazing photos from around the world each year. The entry deadline is November 30, so you still have a few more days to submit your best photos in three categories: People, Places, and Nature. Aside from submitting your own photos , you can get more engaged in the contest by voting or your favorites on National Geographic's site , downloading great wallpaper, playing one of the puzzles, and/or checking out past winners The first-place winner in each category will receive $2,500, and have their winning photograph published in National Geographic magazine. One grand prize winner will receive, in addition to the first place prize, $7,500 and a trip to National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C.
(Photo courtesy of The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest/Hongsik Kim)Unsafe Journey
Unsafe Journey. A woman is riding between the railway carriages of a local train heading north from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Her luggage is tucked under the carriage in front of her. It is the month of Ramadan, a fast which culminates in Eid-ul-Fitr, a three-day celebration. Tens of thousands of people leave the city to go to their home village and celebrate with their families. Trains are packed and many who fail to get tickets before they sell out or can't afford buying them at the black market ride on the roof of the train or, like this woman, finds a quiet spot between the carriages.
(Photo courtesy of The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest/Helene Johansson)Aviation Boatswains Mate
An Aviation Boatswains Mate walks through aqueous film forming foam after a test of the sprinkler systems aboard the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). The testing of fire safety equipment is just one of many evolutions performed to ensure Ronald Reagan's sea readiness.
(Photo courtesy of The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest/Ben Jernigan)Brown Bear
Brown bear, Buskin River, Kodiak Alaska. This bear had been fishing in the river on this morning. It climbed onto the bank and laid down in the grass. This photo was taken about an hour after sunrise just as the sun was starting to clear the trees. The temperature was near the dew point and steam was rising off its body. It didn’t seem at all concerned by the fishermen in the river or the photographer on the bank.
(Photo courtesy of The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest/James Haskins)-
aoldeva said...
- Dear and Respected Sir,Long Live Your Sharing Attitude, (which is rare to see, either because of possessiveness or laziness.)M.K. Devarajan.