Gajendra, chief of elephants, was once enjoying himself while bathing in a lake in the company of his large family. He was so engrossed in his enjoyment that he couldn't notice a crocodile approaching; the crocodile caught hold of his foot and tried to get him down. Thus the battle between the two strong animals started. But crocodile being an aquatic animal was more powerful in water thus was able to pull the elephant more. Gajendra unable to release his foot from the strong grip of the crocodile prayed to the Almighty. His prayer was immediately answered and he was rescued, was prided "Moksha" from the clutches of crocodile. The story is not just a story of an elephant and a crocodile; it is about the man, his ego and his selfishness. The man (the elephant- symbol) is surrounded by so many illusions " Maya" that he becomes egoistic. For him, nothing is stringer than himself. But when any problem or the dark image of his works (symbol - crocodile) comes face to face, only then he learns about his true position which is no less than hollow and fake one. This is the time he regrets and surrenders himself to the Almighty. The great book " Bhagwat Puraan" says that who so ever will chant or listen to the Gajendra Moksha regularly, to him success and fame will come naturally without him falling into the trap of Ego and worldly attachments. And he'll not have bad dreams or suffer from nightmares. The often-told stories of ancient past are not just source of entertainment to us but are symbolic of many things and indirectly guide to the road of salvation "MOKSHA". Gajendra Moksha is such a story.
These dramatic pictures show a clash of the titans as a protective elephant mum and a ferocious crocodile get in an epic tug of war in Zambia.
The female elephant and her baby were drinking from the Luangwa River in the South Luangwa National Park when they were attacked.
ATTACK: The crocodile sprung from the water as a baby elephant and its mum were having a drink from the river
The baby elephant went to hid behind mum as the crocodile attacked.
he elephant was brought to her knees as the crocodile thrashed around.
The elephant managed to turn away from the water even the croc was trying to pull her in
With her baby safely on the far side, the mum stepped away from the water with the croc still clamped on
The mighty elephant dragged the crocodile all the way out of the water as she walked away
Despite the unwanted appendage, she and her baby broke into a run
FREE: Water gushes from the mum's trunk as she finally shakes the croc, with her baby momentarily tripping over the predator before the pair made off safely
"This elephant, like the great Gajendra must have called the help of the Divine: otherwise it is next to impossible to escape from the clutches of the crocodile"
was the comment by Mr. K.N.Ramesh when he sent this to me.
The title is my mischief with intention of humour. (Let Mr. K.N. Ramesh pardon me)
However hats off to the photographer
sury said...
- My grandkid likes the story so much that he wants me to narrate it again and again. I shall give a link to his blog so that he may enjoysubbu rathinam
Hemalatha said...
- Dear Sir, Thanks for condensing and bringing out the significance of Gajendra Moksham in a few sentences. I am sure you have now lead many to listen (may be listen often too, if not everyday) to Gajendra Moksham. Looking forward to the Upanyasam upload soon. Thanks to Mr. Ramesh too. Thanks once again. Regards