There should be somebody in our country, who is prepared to start a movement to educate people about this dirty culture. Once, one of my friend asked a person who was urinating in public like that, " Why do you do like this on the road? Can't you wait until you reach your destination?"
The reply was, "What to do? I cannot control !"
My fiend quipped, "Will you shit in your bed, because your toilet is occupied ? "

true to life and typical of #eralites. I have seen the same before a Rama temple!!!! here.
Anonymous said...
- Dear Sir Sri Vaithinathan HariharanI think it is not the question of providing toilet facities but a question of civic sense. All our leaders, political or religious except perhaps Mahatma have miserably failed to make our people good thinkers. We are trained only in mass thinking and decide on the tutored broadcasts and involving very much with prejudices. We are almost opposed to individual thinking capacity on any issue and always ready to take sides. Affiliation is worry for us but we rejoice over affiliations. Humanity is happily given a go by and the meaning of human value is more or less lost. The reason is we are brought up in a egoistic society and more so a hyppocratic society. Under such conditions no purpose will be served on lamenting over such happenings. A less selfish society alone will make us improve. This will not happen as along as the people attend to tutorials.With warm regardsravi