ಸೋಮವಾರ, ಡಿಸೆಂಬರ್ 1, 2008

Makassar, South Sulawesi

1. Stronghold of Ujung Pandang (Fort Rotterdam) 

Ujung Pandang is a stronghold historical past might kingdom in South Sulawesi. the kingdom of the past in South Sulawesi. The Kingdom is very strong and successful in the South during the 17th century is the kingdom of Gowa, with a capital of Ujungpandang famous degan name of Makassar. The capital of Makassar that the views of the sea is complemented by a city line. Kingdom has 17 fortresses that protect the capital and surrounding areas. In the year 1667 when the strength of Gowa defeated by the Netherlands all fortification destroyed with the exception of The Somba Opu after two years and then destroyed a total of the Netherlands. 

Ujungpandang fortress built since early in the year 1545 by the king to Gowa-called X Imanrigau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung, also known by the name Karaeng Tunipalangga Ulaweng. The basic form of this fortress is rectangular with a Portuguese style of architecture made from the material clay, models with the same stronghold in Europe diabad-to-16 and to 17. With additional protrusion inherent in the basic form of the fortress as a turtle. Some sources maintain that the turtle is bentuik describes the kingdom is the kingdom of Gowa and triton stronghold as the protectors of the capital. 

During the Dutch fortress that was built back and given the name Fort Rotterdam. At the time it is a stronghold of government and trade. During the Japan presidio function as a center of agriculture and language studies. 

Now the building is in the stronghold used by the History and Heritage Night primordial Park Culture (art, the presentation dance, music and other), and the state museum, the museum opened a variety of historical objects, Manuscript, sculpture, ceramics, traditional clothing and various other cultural objects from the majority tribe in South Sulawesi.


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