Original-nature.blogspot.com > Marine ornamental fish is one commodity that has economic potential. But the expected utilization negatively correlated with cover of hard coral reef ecosystem karang.Tutupan in the Thousand Islands since 2004 is still relatively range of 30%. Seen from the figure 32.69% (2004), 33.61% (2005) and 31.33% (2007). Regions of low coral cover most of the south which lies close to the Bay of Jakarta (source: Coral Reefs Jakarta, 2007).
Office of Research Results (Sudin) Fisheries and Marine Thousand Islands, that light up (2007) shows the location of the southernmost observation shows include Angel Island reefs cover only 0.38%. it can be said that the ecosystem is no longer a coral reef ecosystem.
In addition, the influence of liquid and solid waste runoff from the mainland of DKI Jakarta and surrounding areas played a major role in the deterioration of coral reef ecosystems in the Thousand Islands. For example, household waste, industrial waste, heavy metals and oil digelontorkan by 13 rivers that flow into Jakarta Bay. At least 14,000 m3 of waste per day into the Jakarta Bay area so that fish production pempengaruhi down 38% in 2002 (Light up, 2008).
Damage to marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs in the Thousand Islands, in addition to the waste factor of 13 the river, there are also human activities such as the use of fishing methods are not environmentally friendly (potassium and bombs), waste liquid or solid or coral for material building.
Certification of ornamental fish in the Thousand Islands is one of the efforts of society, employers, government and NGOs together to manage the utilization of marine resources. In particular ornamental fish sustainably, so as to improve the welfare of society as well as conservation efforts.
Certification Program in cooperation with the MAC (Marine Aquarium Council) and Light up (Coral Reefs of Indonesia) was an effort to test the application of the procedures or practices of the utilization of marine aquarium organisms according to the standard MAC. The MAC standard applied to achieve the health of fish and coral are optimal. Health and safety of fishermen, management use area to search the origins of ecosystem conservation and reef fish as well as sustainable utilization of fisheries resources.
Program certification of ornamental fish in the Village Grill Island Thousand Islands, starting in 2006, begins with socialization, training and providing certification of ornamental fish business actors who are committed to catching fish in ways that are environmentally friendly. Since the applied program. Thus, the result has reached 70% who felt the ornamental fish business community (fishermen and collectors) who are committed. while the remaining 30% is still in the exploratory stage. It is expected that, beginning in 2010 all ornamental fish business in the Thousand Islands have no intention and is committed to preserving the coral reefs are the Thousand Islands.
The advantage gained from the implementation of certification programs tesebut to assist efforts to manage coral reef resources through sustainable use of natural resources and is responsible for creating incentives to conserve coral reefs. In addition, while maintaining the health and quality of fish as well as the types used for marine aquarium and maintain the continuity of the livelihoods of the fishermen producer of ornamental fish.
It is realized, to eliminate the ways inhospitable environment in the fishing effort in the Thousand Islands, Jakarta, it is not an obstacle, which is important all parties have the intention and purpose to preserve the marine environment. not impossible that good intentions can be achieved, provided that we must always be optimistic.
(Source: http://pulau-1000.blogspot.com/)
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