T.M. Krishna and Ustad Rashidkhan
Thank Mr. Balayogi
Varadarajan.R said...
- i was there that day, have the whole concert recorded, will post it soon :). rashid khan sang puriya dhanashree for one hour. TM krishna sang anandabhairavi and shankarabharanam for an hour. and then the jugalbandhi started for a further 1 and half hour.
- Oh ! Please Mr. Varadarajan. Cannot wait.
Varadarajan.R said...
- i will post it tonight if possible cause i have work tomorrow , or surely tomorrow night, cause i can upload only after 2am.
BHASKARAN19 said...
- Windfall for Rasikas
vishwa.rishikesh said...
- It should be a real feast. Looking forward...

Please Sir! we are eagerly waiting for your upload.