Thank Mr. Seshadri Srinivasan

Fanastic, Sir I am sharing this in my f/b
Respected Sir,
I have been following your blog for over six months and always wanted to get in touch with you by email to convey my wishes to you and finally today I got the opportunity to do so. Please accept my sincere good wishes.
I am also from Mylapore (Pichu Pillai Street – Opp. To Veda Adhyayana Sabha) and working in UAE since 1987. Your blog relating to carnatic music rekindled my childhood dream. In 1970s I used to accompany my amma as a kid to various kutcheries in Mylapore. Though I did not understand much at that time, I was attracted to it somehow. Now I am able to enjoy it even more because I can even identify which raagam a krithi is composed to. Thanks for posting lots of krithis in your blog in raagam order. My mother and chithis are very happy about my knowledge in carnatic music now and are wondering how come I learnt now which was not visible to them earlier. My childhood friends are even shocked but very happy for me. All credit goes to you Sir.
By the way, I am unable to access your latest post on Raama Katha in slides. In the middle of the box, a message is displayed stating that “We are sorry, this slide show is empty” whereas some people have seen it and commented also. I am not sure whether something is wrong in my system. Please help me if you can for me to see these slides.
Thanks and God bless with you Sir !
Karthikeyan KL
Al Ain, UAE.
hvaidaya said:
Dear Mr. Karthikeyan
Thank you very much for your nice words. I found it is working non stop. Any how, for your benefit as well as many others, who might have not expressed but experienced this difficulty, I am giving the link below. Please click and view it.