One of our reader Mr. Harisankar has sent this mail.
"I made this video this week. Check this out and let me know if you like it. It is raja rajeshwari stavam which i picked up. Pictures are mine collected over years."
Not only I liked it, I felt like sharing with you all. Please send your appreciations to Mr. Harisankar by your comments.
"I made this video this week. Check this out and let me know if you like it. It is raja rajeshwari stavam which i picked up. Pictures are mine collected over years."
Not only I liked it, I felt like sharing with you all. Please send your appreciations to Mr. Harisankar by your comments.

Superb Rendering, Divinely voice, and excellent pictures collections - Credits to Mr Harisankar and to you as well for posting this in your blog (Sthosthras are rare in your Blog) and when it comes it comes with bang.
Warm regards
Harisankar said...
- Glad that you like it. I have some trouble with youtube. The video is actually HQ but comming out as only 240p. Hmm. Will fix it. By the way I have made a video out of chembai song 'Madurai Arasaali Meenaksii...' the song goes like that and is one of the 4 that I like. Will post it and let you guys know. The pictures are part of my collection made over the past 8yrs. I am on the look out for rare old photos that people have in their pooja rooms in ancestral village homes, temples etc (the ganga avatar photo is an example). Contributions are welcome. Other stuff that I made are vishnu sahasranamam, vishnu stuti, mahishasura mardhini, lalitha sahasranamam. My limited internet connection restricts me for now.
Anonymous said...
- Dear Sir Sri Vaithinathan Hariharan As a continuation to my writing on the work of Sri Harishankar I place this before the Sir. “Tripura Rahasyam”, a book which cannot be estimated for its value is being published by Ramana Ashramam. I got this book several years back when I was blessed enough to reach the Ashramam. The original name of the book is "Hariyadhana Samharitha". The Samharitha is of 12,000 slokas and it is divided into 3 parts. Part 1 is Devi Mahatmiyam with 6687 slokams. Part 2 is Gnana Kandam with 2163 slokams. Par 3 is Sariya or Chariya Kandam with the remaining slokams. Part 1 and Part 2 are available, in Tamil translation as well. Unfortunately Part 3 deals with the ways and Sadanas to achieve Oneness is not available either in Tamil or in Sanskrit. It was given by Shiva to Vishnu and Vishnu as Dattrateya gave it to Parasurama. Parasurama gave it to Haridhayana and when Haridhayana was worshiping Goddess Meenakshi at Madurai, he was prompted by Naradha Munivar to make public of what is being given to him and Haridhayana was also bestowed with the ability to give it to the world. I humbly request the Sir to search for the Third part and inform me that whether I am really lucky to read that part. Once again I regret the inconvenience caused and in fact inconveniencing the Sir has become a habit of me. Thank You Sir With warm regards, ravi
Ranjani said...
- Really very good rendering. Very much impressed. If the lyrics are available it would be good. Very good voice and well rendered with full devotion. Thanks