Original-nature.blogspot.com > The well is located in Pulau Umang Pandeglang, Banten. This place is suitable to avoid penatnya urban life and enjoy the beautiful moments of their honeymoon. On this island, there are resorts that have been arranged with an artistic touch of the natural beauty of the mountains surrounded by sea will add more romance for your honeymoon.
This island is not large, only 5 hectares, but the facilities are complete enough For those who love water play and sports, you can play jet ski, banana boat, or snorkel. There is also a swimming pool adjacent to the beach, so while swimming, we also can enjoy the beautiful beach. Finished swimming, available Jacuzzi to massage the aching body. When you're happy to laze around, there is also a spa package, where we can enjoy a massage with aromatherapy accompanied by crashing sounds ombak.Perairan on this island there are still lots of fish. Near the pier, we can see a collection of fish in groups. This can be a place for you who have a hobby of fishing. For children, there are also various games for children like swings, trombolin, etc..
We can also relax in the gazebo located in front of each place we stay suites and located right on the beach. Ideal place to enjoy the sunrise or sunset. At dinner a romantic atmosphere you can get if you want to eat on the beach as she heard the sound of the waves. Or it could be in the cafe while listening to the strains of the song that was sung singer.
In this island we can also enjoy the beauty of the underwater incredible beauty.
(Source: http://infotaktiktuk.blogspot.com/2011/01/11-tempat-ter-romantis-di-indonesia.html)
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