ಗುರುವಾರ, ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್ 23, 2008

Merapis Peak (Yogyakarta)

Peak of Merapi

Mount Merapi, is one - the only volcano in Yogyakarta. Located approximately 30 kilometers, north of the city of Yogyakarta and its peak form sand plains that are not flat, wide approximately 4 hectares, with some pit crater one-two of them always whiff of smoke thick, to mark the mountain Merapi is still active work.

When the mountain shows eruption fury, the public can see the cloud of Yogyakarta that smoke like a white or gray dusky forth above, is visible from a distance, such as pile fleece. However, if the mountain is in a state of "calm", Its enchantment that hit, so it stimulates the young who want to climb the mountain and adventure lovers of the sport climbing the mountain peak to conquer.

To reach its peak, can be two-way street. The first road through the village of Kinahrejo which is located approximately 2 kilometers in the east where recreational Kaliurang. The distance between the villages of Kinahrejo to the peak of Mount Merapi only about 9 kilometers, but the distance is usually takes 10 hours, given the difficult terrain on his ascent  enough. But the fact that difficult terrain that is attractive to teenagers, because the average - the average so their morale is high, until all the factors as the difficulties it deems to defeated his challenges. The easier road, through the regional Selo Boyolali district of Mount Merapi is located between the mountains Merbabu, in Central Java province. Regional Selo this can be achieved from Yogyakarta with the vehicle bus to Kartosuro, next to Featherston. In the afternoon, the path of bus to this was difficult, until it is suggested that if you want to go to areas that cultivated before Selo from 13.00.

Also recommended to climb to the peak of Merapi is using the service guide or pilot. When forced to stay overnight, the guide is to provide for the needs of the house.

For the less interested in doing climbing up to the top, can still admire the beauty of this mountain Merapi, which varies from region is located approximately 2 kilometers Southeast of the city not, or can also see from Turi district, approximately 5 km in the city of West Kaliurang, if you want to see the peak of Merapi from a distance clearly, can be used binoculars observers from the Observer Post Mount Merapi in Plawangan, Kaliurang.

ಮಂಗಳವಾರ, ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್ 21, 2008

Traditional Ceremony (Yogyakarta)

Great Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. born on Maulud 12 months, from three months to a year of Java. Sekaten ceremony is a preliminary warning from the days of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Held on 5 to 12th from the same month.

At the time - the beginning of the development of Islam in Java, one of the Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijogo namely, make the Javanese gamelan musical instruments, as a means to entrap the public to come to enjoy the performance karawitannya.

For this purpose, the device is used 2 game, which has a pitch of the sound tuneful. Kyai Nogowilogo and Kyai Guntur Madu. In the sidelines - interrupt presentation, and then do the reading and preaching verse - verse from the Book of the holy Al-Qur'an. For those who are determined to embrace Islam, is required to sentence Syahadat, as a statement to obey the teachings of Islam. The term "Syahadat" spoken as "Syahadatain" is then gradually changed in pronunciation, so that a "Syakatain" and became the term "Sekaten" until now.

On 5 months Maulud, the second device sideways, Kyai Nogowilogo and Kyai Gunturmadu, removed from the storage shed in Sri Manganti, Ponconiti to the hall, located in the North Kemandungan (Keben) and in the afternoon start is in this place. Between 23:00 hrs to 24.00 hrs the second game device is moved to page the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta, the ring - palace servant succession row, accompanied by a bodyguard Palace uniformed soldiers complete.

Generally, the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings believe that by participating day celebrates the birth of Prophet Mohammed This will get the wage benefits of the Almighty, and awarded life. As a "Portgordon" (Conditions) it, they must munch betel page in the Great Mosque, especially on the first day of celebration started Sekaten.

Therefore, during a celebration held Sekaten, many people selling betel with herb, along with tasty side dish of rice in Kemandungan page, the plaza in front of the North and the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta.
For farmers, the opportunity to apply this so that the crops future success. To strengthen the commitment to this, they buy a thong (bhs. Java: whip) under the home.

During more than a month before the ceremony began Sekaten, the Regional Municipal Government, checked with the celebration of this night market, held in the plaza North of Yogyakarta.

Peak celebration Sekaten called Gerebeg Mulud. held on the twelfth day calendar month Mulud Java. This festival, starting at 7.30am, preceded by a parade escort empire that consists of 10 units: Wirobrojo, Daeng, Patangpuluh, Jogokaryo, Prawirotomo, Nyutro, Ketanggung, Mantrijeron, Surokarso, and Bugis. each unit has a uniform each. The event started from the north Kemandungan kingdom page, and then pass the Hinggil The Vanessa, and further north towards alun2.

10:00 am, gunungan leave the kingdom preceded by the troops and buginese surokarto. Gunungan made from food such as vegetables, beans, red pepper, egg, and I made several complements from sticky rice. Formed resembles a mountain, symbolizing prosperity and wealth of the land Mataram.

Parade greeted with a shot by security guards when the Palace plaza north, a procession of this kind, called Gerebeg. The word 'gerebeg' means' noisy sound derived from the cry of the people '. gunungan then taken to the Great Mosque for the blessed and then distributed to the public. people usually fight to get part of the gunungan because they believe that the food page contains miracle. The farmers usually planted the sacking of some gunungan in their land, with the belief this will protect them from bad luck and disaster.

According to the annual calendar of Java, there is another celebration of the Gerebeg and Gerebeg Shawwal. Both are usually held after Ramadan. Gerebeg Shawwal celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, and Gerebeg Large celebrated on the tenth month of the Javanese calendar on the day of the feast, Sacrifice (Eid ul-Adha), that symbolize the days of Muslims.

Organized to celebrate the birth day of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono. The word 'labuh' in the Java language means throw something sacred objects to the river or sea.Labuhan of Kraton form of food, pieces of nails and hair-owned Sultan.

Iloilo is then thrown into the South Sea, with geographically-called Indian Ocean. Iloilo is intended as a tribute to the rulers of the southern sea, Kanjeng Queen of the South, with the hope that increased prosperity of the people of Jogja. Feast same also held at Mount Merapi and Mount Lawu.
Img: Bantul.go.id

Is a celebration of the dedication stone with the probe's buried in a certain area. According to geological experts stone age 50 million this year, and only found in 3 hill in the world. Community believe if they do not give offerings there will be a disaster and tribulation. Although the hill is almost landslides and only leaving a few stones but this tradition still continues in the second calendar month Java: Sapar. Therefore, this celebration is called Saparan.

In dinihari, hundreds of people participated in the procession danfestival arts people. Peak celebration held at 2 in the afternoon, when a pair of bride 'bekakak' and the bride doll made of sticky rice with sugar syrup be cut after diarak I said in a procession by uniformed guards and traditional line of peoples carrying a lot of dedication.

Monuments (Yogyakarta)

"Jogja Kembali" Monument
Museum / monument is located in Yogyakarta and Magelang way through the hoop in the village of North Sariharjo Kirkliston, Sleman. The museum is managed by a foundation The armed ghazis between the years 1945-1950.

In the museum / spokesperson This presents recordings, photographs, documentation paristiwa-event struggle, various types of weapons and other objects (diorama), which describes the struggle of Indonesia biennium 1945-1950.

In addition to containing the relief and 10 dioramas of battle scenes is a depiction of Indonesian people both in the field of diplomacy and physical.

The museum opened in:
Tuesday's Sunday at 08.00-16.00 WIB

Gedung Agung
Near the tip of South Malioboro street, standing stately building Gedung Agung, who between 1946 until 1949, when it became the capital city of Yogyakarta of Indonesia, where the President is the first Ir. Sukarno. In the Dutch colonial era, this building is the residence of the Dutch Resident.

Currently a Agung building visible is used as a pretentious Wisma Negara and the place to receive guests who came to the Great Yogyakarta. Inside there is a diorama depicting the struggle against the Indonesian nation of the Netherlands.
At each ceremony was held on 17 Sunset Parade, which begins at 15:00 WIB. Besides, the Museum is open every day at 08.00-15.00 WIB.

Museums (Yogyakarta)

Sonobudoyo Museum

Is a museum full of culture after the Museum Center in Jakarta. Located at the West Sea Alun-wave North Yogyakarta. The museum is also a means of education, especially in the areas of arts, culture and archeological this, can be visited on from:
Tuesday's Thursday: 08.00-13.00 hrs WIB
Friday & Saturday: 08.00-11.00 hrs WIB
Sunday: 08.00-12.00 hrs WIB

Sri Sultan HB IX Museum
The museum is located in the Palace complex in Yogyakarta inaugurated by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X 18 November 1990. Objects or equipment, photographs, signs and services and goods displayed in the museum, this special miik and received deceased Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX. Hours open simultaneously with the Kraton.

Kraton Museum
The existence of the Palace Museum is herself on the government of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII and the government of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII.
Palace has several museums, known as the Palace Museum in Yogyakarta. Museum-museum, which is intended Painting Museum, the Palace Museum, the Museum Buwono IX, and the Railway Museum. Hamengku Buwono IX museum is located in the Palace complex, save a few items that have been used Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX berbagain including photographic equipment. Kerata Museum is located at the west side of the Palace, precisely in the way Rotowijayan.

The museum store various collections of the Palace train property, some of it is Kyai Yeksa Garuda, which is used to train carnival in the series of events penobatan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VI to X; Kyai Jaladara-Sultan used for the task of mobile village; and Kyai Kanjeng used Lamat-Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I to III for the event Garebeg pick or special guests.

Palace Museum is situated on land 14,000 square meters wide with the building berciri artiektur Java.

Batik Museum Ullen Sentalu
This museum in the design using the concept and built from traditional materials, local stones, and located in Kaliurang, on the slopes of Mount Merapi.

Here, the spirit of Ullen Sentalu found in Dalem Kaswargan. The museum is designed with a very beautiful, is dedicated to the appreciation in the community objects of art history and natural beauty of Java and found that at the height of Kaliurang.

Open: Tuesday - Sunday (09.00 am to 04.00 pm).

Affandi Museum
The museum is located on the north side of the road Solo number 167, exactly on the slopes of the West River bridge Gajah Wong. Style of the paintings included in the flow eksperesionisme.
Affandi the deceased has received many awards from countries in Asia and Europe, in addition to the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Singapore receives.
The museum is open for public visits. Sunday's Saturday 09.00-13.00 WIB.

The Museum of Vredeburg
In the Dutch colonial period, it was the mess the military government army troops Netherlands, which was built in the year 1765. This fortress is located right in front of the building Gedung Agung, with the purpose to protect Resident Netherlands who live in the building. Tracing the location of the establishment, this fortress also seemed deliberately built to military movements that might arise from the Kraton, which is located only 1 gunshot cannon (cannon ancient) from this stronghold. This is evident from the location of the altar is located on the cannon South (to the Palace).

From the altar of the cannon (cannon), we can see the busy traffic around the ancient buildings from the mid 19th century, which until now is still well maintained and remain keantikannya. The museum is open on the day:
Tuesday's Sunday: 08.30-14.00 hrs WIB
Friday: 08.00-11.00 hrs WIB
Saturday-Sunday: 08.30-12.00 hrs WIB

Kekayon Museum
The museum inaugurated by the Governor of the Head of Yogyakarta Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII on 5 January 1991. 9 units occupy the building with more spacious 1.1 hectares of land. Located at km 7 with a phone number 513218.

In this museum can be witnessed some type of waayang among others: Movies Purwo, Movies Madyo, Thengul Movies, Movies Klithik, Waayang and several others. Movies are made of leather, wood, cloth, and paper. In addition to the puppet collection, there are also types of masks.

Building called the Sasono Pratelo is a place of information about myself and Topeng. This museum can be visited opened to the public every day at 08.00-15.00 WIB contact with the managers first.

ಸೋಮವಾರ, ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್ 20, 2008

Kedulan Temple (Yogyakarta)

Kedulan temple is located in the North 07.44.33,7 coordinates Latitude and longitude East 110.28.11,1, about three kilometers northwest Prambanan. The site is surrounded by rice paddies and fields, while residents of the house appear in the 300-meter radius. Temple Kedulan have the type of Sambisari such as the temple, located in the hamlet of Sambisari, Purwomartani Kalasan Sleman.

Authentic data regarding the historical background as Kedulan temple inscriptions or codex, up to now has not been found. The form of temple architecture of the temple Sambisari similar, but with a more decorative art rich. From the point of decoration, thus approaching the temple decoration Ijo (Hamlet Groyokan, Sambirejo Prambanan) and the Temple of Barong (Hamlet Candirejo, Sambirejo Prambanan).

Banyunibo Temple (Yogyakarta)

Banyu Nibo temple, which means "water has" This is a relic of the century to 9. examine the location of the remote in the middle of rice fields and clumps of bananas, far from the group of Buddhist temples that others, while causing people call "the Sebatangkara Banyu Nibo."

This temple can be reached by public vehicles (Kopades) from three cross-roads of Yogya, Solo, Prambanan market junction, when the vehicle itself can lead directly to the location where "Temple Banyu Nibo" that lead to Piyungan length of 2 kilometers (1 km from the mouth of the road trails that lead to the Palace of Queen Boko petilasan) to arrive at the complex SKSD Palapa DIY. Travel further through the walk (there is no public transportation) through the persawahan to the left (the East) far more than 1km.

Gebang Temple (Yogyakarta)

Hindu religion is a relic of the century is estimated to 7 and also built by a King of wamca Sanjaya.

This temple has some idiosyncrasy that is not in the Hindu temples of others, such as the commemorative temple top form, consisting of the interest in the Seroja, GANECA statue in the back room, sitting on the runway Yoni, are in the main room, which is usually by Dewa a glorified, contains a phallus. Features of the other is the absence of the household (usually of stone berundak) that connect the foot of the temple with the main room, the room is so difficult to achieve. The temple is located in the Gebang Condongcatur, in the village of South Gebang, Kirkwall, Sleman, approximately 11 kilometers from the city center.

Sambisari Temple (Yogyakarta)

Sambisari temple is located in the village of Sambisari Purwomartani village, approximately 12 kilometers from the city center. This place can be reached by vehicle or public bus, microbus, majoring in Yogya, Solo, until around 10 kilometers where terdapta crossing kea rah left (the North), which is given to the board bookmark Sambisari location of the temple (not less than 2 kilometers).

The temple was recently found, that is, around 1966, when a farmer with cangkulnya not intentionally knock on the top of the temple in the land peladangnya.

Based on the research of the geological rock temple and the land that has menimbunnya for this, the temple at 6 meters this material has been buried by mountains of Merapi in letusannya a great year in 1906.

Sambisari temple is a Hindu temple from the century to 10 and is estimated diabngun by a king from wamca Sanjaya, with the statue Shiwa as a professor occupy the main room.

Sari Temple (Yogyakarta)

Sari temple, the temple is beautiful and in accordance with namanyaa of this temple, beautiful slim, with the peak of the ceiling berhiaskan 9 stupa the same uniform shape in 3 array. Under each of the stupa, there are spaces graded 2, which is used in the past to the residence Bhikkhu (frock); Buddhism; place for meditation and a place to teach to the students. Sari temple in the past, is a Buddhist Vihara. Viahra Buddha is a peniggalan century to 8 is located approximately 2 ½ kilometers in the West Prambanan temple complex overlooking the East kea rah, distance 14-15 km from the city of Yogyakarta.

Kalasan Temple (Yogyakarta)

Kalasan temple is located only 50 meters at the edge of the road south from the Yogyakarta-Solo, 14 kilometers, and more than 600 meters in the Southwest Sari temple.

Kalasan temple is the oldest relics of the Buddha in the areas of Yogyakarta and Central Java and was built in 778 CE as offerings to the Gods of Tara.
Although the temple Kalasan figured Buddha, but this is the founders of Rakai Panangkaran Wamca Sanjaya that follow the Hindu religion, seduction of the teachers from wamca Syailendra that embrace Buddhism.
Kalasan temple is also famous as the temple hiasannya beautiful and exquisite carvings batunya. In addition, ornament and relief on the outer walls coated there is a kind of cement called vajralepa.

Former Palace Boko (Yogyakarta)

Located on a hill less than 2 kilometers in the South Prambanan temple complex. Accessible by public vehicles from Yogyakarta to Solo (Surakarta) and decreased in three regions Prambanan corner that lead to Piyungan.

Next trip to be with other transport (Kopades) to the region and then down to Piyungan in Bokoharjo located at the foot of the hill Boko. From this place of dismissal, the trip continued with a walk through the footpaths along the uphill than 400 meters. If the wheels of vehicles carrying small (non-bus), can pass through the earth station Palapa in the way it is.

This palace was built by the estimated Balaputeradewa, sezaman with the development of Prambanan temple, and is intended as a place of strategic defense from the influence of power Wamca (Dynasty) Sanjaya. From where altitude above the hills, the movement opponent will be carefully monitored easily.

Boko Palace has aesthetic value (the beauty) that high, the implicit form of the gate and the remnants of the palace veranda pillars up to now still see the beauty, harmonious with the surrounding natural beauty that can be enjoyed from this region.

In from the remnants found Keputren (residence of the daughter of the king) and Vanessa Hinggil who is now in the process of restoration. Keputren is equipped with a bathing pool, which is estimated to first place bercengkramanya daughter of Queen Boko with famous names Jonggrang Roro, the patungnya now occupy one of the main room of the temple complex of Prambanan temple.

Borobudur Temple (Yogyakarta)

Borobudur temple is the largest in the world, which is one of the 7 wonders of the world. Located in the northwestern city of Yogyakarta, far less than 42 kilometers. Built in the century VIII, is the result of hard work and perseverance Allows workers and the high dedication of people and kerbat francisco Cailendra the power at that time. The temple is actually presenting Cailendra kingdom, which seeks to describe the history of life Sidharta Gautama and explain the teaching of reliefs to the beautiful wall of the temple.

From the top of the temple can be seen the beautiful natural surroundings, Mount Sumbing as one type of volcano in Central Java area of visible smoke clouds west of the move. This building is a relic of our ancestors very valuable not only Indonesia but also nations in the world it has.

Prambanan Temple (Yogyakarta)

Is the largest Hindu relics in the area of Central Java and Yogyakarta, lebihkuang located 17 kilometers east of Yogyakarta city. Prambanan temple complex is a monument to the temple facing towards the East, with the overall shape resembles gunungan skin of a puppet in the 47 meters.

Hinduism recognize Tri-Murti, which consists of the Gods Brahmin as the Creator, as the Deity Wishnu affairs and Dewa Shiwa as the destroyer.

The main room of the temple complex of Prambanan temple by Dewa Shiwa as Mahadewa so it can be concluded that the temple mreupakan Prambanan temple Shiwa.

Prambanan temple or Shiwa is also often referred to as Roro Jonggrang temple, associated with the legend told about which Jonggrang a virgin or a tall girl, putrid Prabu (King, who in the Java language often called the Queen) Boko, who built his kingdom over the hill sebalah South Prambanan temple complex.

The edge of the temple is limited by the fence balcony, decorated with reliefs of the Ramayana can be enjoyed if we berperadaksina (walked around the temple with a central temple always in the right of us) through the tunnel. Stories that continues balusters on the Brahma temple, which is located on the left (the South) temple. Langakn are on the fence Wishnu the temple is located on the right (northern) temple, a Kresnadipayana relief terpahat the story of a small Prabu Krishna as the embodiment (drip) in the Deity Wishnu killing keangkaramurkaan that would engulf the world.

Room of the temple facing the kea rah contains a statue of Durga North, Dewa Shiwa queen, but people generally call as Roro Jonggrang statue, which according to legend, the stone statue was living body from purti beautiful, which was condemned by the Bandung Bondowoso tournament, to complete capacity to create a thousand sculptures in one night.

Brahma temple and the temple that is now Wishnu finished pemugarannya each only have 1 room by a statue of deities concerned.

Before the third temple of the Deity Trinity is the fruit of three temples that contain vehicle (the vehicle) is the third deity. The third temple was renovated and now only in the temple (in front of the temple Shiwa), which still contains a statue of animal cow named Nandi, the vehicle Dewa Shiwa. Statue goose senagai vehicle garuda statue of Brahma and as a vehicle Wishnu estimated that fill the first room-room temple is located in front of the Deity of the second temple, has been renovated.

Sixth temple is a 2 groups of sight, located on a square-shaped pages, along with the 110 meters.

Inside the pages are still standing other temples, the temple clamp 2 with a height of 16 meters sight, that a stand in the north and the other in the South, 4 fruit temple curtain, and 4 pieces temple corner.

Page in the Hindu community which is considered as the most sacral this page, located in the middle of the page that has the 222 meters, and in the first temples contain as many as 224 fruit perwara line beset hfalaman in 3 rows.

Outside the pages of this page, there are still outside the quadrilateral along with the 390 meters.

Prambanan temple complex built by kings Wamca (Diansty) Sanjaya in the 9th century and is now the object that tourism can be visited every day between 06.00-18.00 hrs WIB.
Prambanan temple complex is located only a few hundred meters from the road Yogya-Solo the vehicle passed the general public

Visiting the Way to Yogyakarta

Use of available domestic flights, for instance: Garuda, Adam, Lion, etc.. 1 hour long journey. Ticket price of Rp 200,000, - to Rp 500,000, --

Use the train Jakarta - Yogyakarta.
Executive class increased from satasiun Gambir. Business and Economy class from the station Monday. There are various options with a train ticket ranges from Rp 50,000 to 200,000. 8-10 hours long journey.

There are various options airline flight from Bali to Yogyakarta. Departure from Denpasar Ngurah Rai Airport. 1hr long journey.

Departure from the terminal to terminal Ubung Derby Giwangan Yogyakarta. 19 hours long journey. Price 130,000 to 180,000

Imogiri's Tomb (Yogyakarta)

Had the actual graves of Imogiri Hastarengga, and the tomb is a younger age compared with the graves of Kotagede. In this tomb Imogiri, dimakamkan kings who once ruled the Kingdom of Mataram sepeninggal Panembahan Senopati, especially the son of Sultan Agung Hanyokro Kusumo. This tomb was built on top of the hill, and we must reach to climb the stairs from berundak as many as 345 stone fruit to arrive at a crossroads.

Had pilgrimage to Imogiri can be done every Monday between 10:00 to 13:00 or Friday between 13:00 to 16:00 hrs.

The pilgrims required to wear special charges such as the Had Kotagede. Vehicles to the region this is the micro-bus from Brontokusuman, until at Terminal Imogiri. Teminal distance from the tomb to only 100 meters, can be achieved with a walk.

Object Tourist Beach of Yogyakarta

Glagah Beach
Glagah Beach is one of the leading coastal beach tourism in Yogyakarta. The beach is located at Kulon Progo have a very good spread with a sand iron andalannya. In the coastal lagoons, there are a tour Tirta. existing facilities, among other bumu camp and Dragon Fruit plantations.

Kukup Beach
Pantai Kukup, located in the district of Gunung Kidul is a beach with superior power lines run, and white sand. This beach has a coral beach so that the excess is very comfortable to relax with the family.

Parangtritis Beach
Beach is one of the beaches become the main destination of Yogyakarta. Beach's famous South Beach with a spectacular save a good view of the natural charm and legendanya, located in Bantul. Mrs legend Roro Kidul very strong mastarakat inherent in the heart of Java, either as the ruler of the south coast as well as a husband Javanese kings. Beach when this becomes one of the main tourist destination in addition to the Palace and Kaliurang.

Wediombo Beach
Wediombo Beach is located in the district of Gunung Kidul, is a beach that still shows the natural authenticity. Natural beach with a beautiful panoramic views, shaped bay with a spread of white sand is often used to enjoy the sunset with the perfect atmosphere.

source:Dinas Pariwisata, Seni & Budaya Yogyakarta

Kotagede Tomb (Yogyakarta)

Kotagede is an area which is located in the southern part of Yogyakarta. This area was a center of the Kingdom of Mataran Islamic government in power in the mid XVI century M. Currently, in addition to the building to see there, Kotagede, also known as a place of pilgrimage, especially in Panembahan Senapati, the first king of the Kingdom of Mataram Islam. In the complex there are some relics such as the people who trusted gatheng as Raden Rangga game, the Great Mosque Mataram, the former home of residence Panembahan Senapati, fortresses and trenches defense. In Kotagede, there are also traditional markets and central silver quite famous in the city of Yogyakarta.

tHe OriGin Of YogYakArTa

Before the independence of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, had the tradition of governance, because Yogyakarta is Kasultanan, including the Duchy, there are also Pakualaman. Areas that have origin with the government itself, in the colonial era called the Dutch East Indies Zelfbesturende Landschappen. In the era of independence called by the name Figure.
Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat stood since 1755 was founded by Prince Mangkubumi then the title of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I Pakualaman Duchy, established since 1813, founded by Prince Notokusumo, (brother of Sultan Hamengku Buwono II) and the title Duke of Paku Alam 1.
Both Kasultanan and Pakualaman, recognized by the Government as the Dutch East Indies empire with the right to set their own household. All that is stated in the contract politics. Last contract Kasultanan political Staatsblaad listed in the 1941 No.47, contracts and political Pakualaman in Staatsblaad No. 1941. 577.
At the proclamation of independence R1, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Sri Paku Alam VIII wire tap kepadaPresiden RI, said that the Regional Kasultanan Yogyakarta and the Regional Pakualaman become part of the State of RI region, sertabergabung into one, creating a unity Regional lstimewa Yogyakarta. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Sri Paku Alam VIII as head of the Regional Representative and Head of the Regional responsible directly to the President. Grip is legal:
a.Piagam position of Sri Sultan (Hamengku Buwono IX and S. Paku Alam VIII dated 19 August 1945 dart President.
b.Amanat Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and the Message of Sri Paku Alam VIII 5 September 1945 (which made its own separately).
c.Amanat Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Sri Paku Alam VIII, dated 30 October 1945 (which made together in one script).
4 January 1946 to 27 December 1949, the city became the capital of RI State, in fact, struggle even to the time that is up, almost alone RI State finished memoirs. Therefore, leaders of the nations that fought together and in the time it has memory of the city of Yogyakarta. Moreover, youth-pemudanya after the war finished, continue studies at the University of Gajah Mada, a State University who first established by the Indonesian Government, once a living monument to commemorate the struggle of Yogyakarta.
At this time the Kraton, led by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and Puro Pakualaman led by the Sri Paduka Paku Alam IX. Both play a very decisive role in maintaining cultural values and customs of Java and Yogyakarta is a unifier community.
Then the State issued Decree Law Main Regional Government, namely law. 1 year 1957. No determination of the President. 6 years in 1959 (enhanced), and the law. 18 years l964. These are set with regard pembentukanPemerintahan Autonomous Region. The last Act - Act No.. 5 tahuri 1974 on Key Regional Government in the set except Autonomous Regional Government, at the same time mengaturPemerintahan Administrative.
As at the Regional Autonomous Province, Yogyakarta formed by retired with the Act undangNo. 3 1950 jo. No. 19 1950, which is still valid. Law. 5 1974 Rules Chapter VII Article 91 (b) states that the Regional Head and Deputy Head of Yogyakarta, which is now the Head of Regional and Deputy Head of Regional Head and Deputy Head of the Regional Special District, according to this law, a Regional Head and Deputy Head of Regional Head of Yogyakarta, which is not bound by the provisions of tenure, and how the terms of appointment for Regional Head and Deputy Head of Regional others.
With 18 basic articles Basic Law, 1945, the Council of People's Representatives of the Province of Yogyakarta want to position as a Special Area for the Regional Level I, remain sustainable, given the history with the establishment and development of the Government of place that should be respected.
Article 18 of Basic Law in 1945 that stated that "the division of the Regional Indonesian region of the large and small, with the order form of government established by law with the look and remember the basic permusyawaratan system in the State Government and the rights of origin in that region Special ".
Yogyakarta was established by Act No.3 1950, in accordance with the purpose of Article 18 is the 1945 Constitution. Mentioned that the Yogyakarta include the former Regional Kasultanan Yogyakarta and the Regional Pakualaman.
After Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX died on 3 October 1988, Sri Paku Alam VIII, Vice Governor of Yogyakarta Special Derah head appointed to perform the duties and authority of day-to-day head of the Governor of Yogyakarta, given the position as head of the Governor's Office Yogyakarta, based on the decision No President. 340 1988.
As the capital of the Province of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta rich predicate, both derived from the history and the potential that exists, such as the city struggles, the city of culture, the city students, and city tourism.
A city of struggle for this city with regard to the role of Yogyakarta in the constellation struggle of the Indonesian nation in the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese colonial era, the era and the struggle to maintain independence. Yogyakarta has become a central government, both the Mataram kingdom (of Islam), Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Duchy Pakualaman.
A city of culture for the city is closely related to the heritage-valued cultural relics during kingdoms, which until now still remain sustainable. The term is also associated with many centers of art and culture. Mataram, a word used a lot now, no other is a pride of the triumph of the Kingdom of Mataram.
Predicate for the city as students associated with the history and role of this city in the world of education in Indonesia. In addition to the various education at every level of education available in this province, in Yogyakarta, there are many students and students from all regions in Indonesia. Yogyakarta is not excessive when called as a miniature of Indonesia.
A city of Yogyakarta as the potency of tourism in the province is tourism specs. Yogyakarta is the region's second largest tourist destination after Bali. Various kinds of tourism objects developed in this region, such as natural tourism, historical tourism, cultural tourism, tourism education, in fact, the latest tour night.
Besides the title-predicate, the history and status of Yogyakarta is an interesting case for it. Name region using a DIY well as the Regional Special status. Yogyakarta status as a Special Area in connection with runutan the history of Yogyakarta, both before and after Independence Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia.

Water Palace Tamansari (Yogyakarta)

Located approximately 400 meters from the Yogyakarta Palace complex, or about 10 minutes walking to the market burubg from Mangangan page.

Tamansari means a beautiful park, where the age is the first place of recreation for the Sultan of Yogyakarta and its relatives palace. Now, Tamansari can be visited by the public. Starting from 08.00 hrs until 16:00 to.

In this complex terdapt place that is still considered in the sacral Tamansari environment, ie, where Ledoksari Park is a place in the contest and a place where personal Sultan.

Among the buildings that is interesting is that Gemuling Well-storeyed building 2 with the bottom floor is located below ground. In the past, this building is the kind of place where Sultan surau do praying. Part of this can be achieved through a tunnel beneath the soil. In many other parts of the tunnel beneath the soil, which is a confidential way, and be prepared as a savior when the road at any time to get this complex enemy attack.

In the north complex is located Tamansari market Ngasem (often called the Bird Market) where the sale of animals avian (bird beautiful, warbler, dove, bekisar and others).

Complex is also a Tamansari settlement of the young artists, especially yag moving in the painting batik. His works are quite price-quality affordable bag tourists.

Puro Pakualaman (yogyakarta)

In addition to the Palace Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, in Yogyakarta there is a palace that road is located at the Sultan Agung, Puro Pakualaman palace, residence of Sri Pakualam IX, Vice Governor of Yogyakarta. Palace is often used to receive guests who visited the country to the Yogyakarta.

In the front of the East wing of the palace used as a museum, Eric Puro Pakualaman with the room make the 4 fruit, which can be visited by the public every Monday and Thursday, between 11:00 to 13:00 hrs. in this museum are historical objects that have high cultural value, and is a relic from the sliam family Paku Alam.

Yogyakarta Palace

Kraton (palace) Kasultanan Yogyakarta city is decided. More than 200 years ago, this place is a swamp with a name Umbul Pacetokan, which was built by the then Prince Mangkubumi become a pesanggrahan with the name Ayodya.Pada 1955, there was agreement that the contents Giyanti divide into two kingdoms of Mataram Kasunanan Surakarta under the government of Sunan Pakubuwono III and Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta under the government of then Prince Mangkubumi titled Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.

Ayodya was built further Pesanggrahan become Kasultanan Yogyakarta Palace. Kraton stands majestic overlooking the north with the front page form plaza (field), which is used in and mediate where people gather, training soldiers for the war, and the place of the ceremony. At the edge of the southern Square North, there is a front porch of the palace called The prevalent. In this Sri Sultan, the palace relatives and government officials witnessed the Palace latihan the soldiers or some ceremony held in the wave - wave north.

More are in the land deliberately created high (so-called Metallica Hinggil), there is a royal audience hall of the palace called the hall Manguntur Tangkil. In this the tourists can witness the situation of trial Palace era government first, by the diperagakan doll - complete with doll clothes greatness. Palace as the central government and Kraton mediatory residence of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono the palace and its relatives, separated by the front page in the north called Kemandungan or Keben page, because the trees that grow here in 1986 declared the Government of Indonesia lambing mediate peace, in commemoration of Environment Day International.

Inside the Palace there in the next page of Sri Manganti with regol (gapuro) Danapratopo who kept a pair Dwarapala: Cingkarabala and Bala Upata, lean Traju Mas, Sri Manganti building that is now used to store several antique and game devices from the past, that has a barrel tuneful when are sound. In essence file that is located more into, the tourists can see the Yellow building is a building where the Sri Sultan collide, the hall Prabayekso. Sweet hall, where Sri Sultan entertain guests - guests, the environment Kasatriyan mediate living son; son of Sri Sultan who have not yet married. This last place forbidden for tourist visits.

Palace is the source of emission of Javanese art and culture that can be witnessed through the beauty of architecture with ornaments that ornamennya-dazzle. Every day Karaton open for visits starting at tourists from 13.00 to 08.30, except the day Friday; at the Palace is only open until at; 11:00.


tHe Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta (some people call Yogyakarta, Jogjakarta, or Yogya) is a city famous for the history and heritage. Yogyakarta is a center of the Mataram kingdom (1575-1640), and until now there is the Palace (Palace), which is still functioning in the sense that. Yogyakarta also has many temples that are thousands of years is a relic kingdoms of antiquity, including the Borobudur Temple was built in the 9th century by the dynasty Syailendra.

In addition to the cultural heritage, Yogyakarta has a beautiful natural panorama. Nan green rice field includes rural areas with the Mount Merapi appears as a backdrop. The beaches are still easily found naturally in the south of Yogyakarta.

Community living here in peace and have a unique hospitality. Try to encircle the city with a bicycle rickshaw, or carriage; you will find a sincere smile and a warm greeting in every corner of the city. Without you realize, suddenly you will feel like being at home.

"Like art feels so in Yogyakarta. Malioboro, which is intravenously Yogyakarta, dibanjiri handicraft goods from all directions. Street musicians are always ready to entertain visitors stalls Lesbian.

Many people who have visited Yogyakarta said that the city is always first century. Visit here, you will understand why.

tHe HiSToRy of Yogyakarta

The Yogyakarta Sultanate, formally the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, was formed in 1755 when the existing Sultanate of Mataram was divided by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in two under the Treaty of Giyanti. This treaty states that the Sultanate of Mataram was to be divided into the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat with Yogyakarta as the capital and Mangkubumi who became Sultan Hamengkubuwono I as its Sultan and the Sultanate of Surakarta Hadiningrat with Surakarta as the capital and Pakubuwono III who was the ruler of the Sultanate of Mataram as its Sultan. The Sultan Hamengkubuwono I spent the next 37 years building the new capital, with the Kraton as the centerpiece and the court at Surakarta as the blueprint model. By the time he died in 1792, his territory exceeded Surakarta's.

The ruler Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX (April 12, 1912 - 1988) held a degree from the Dutch Leiden University, and held for a time the largely ceremonial position of Vice-President of Indonesia, in recognition of his status, as well as Minister of Finance and Minister of Defense.

In support of Indonesia declaring independence from the Dutch and Japanese occupation, in September 5, 1945, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX of Yogya and Sri Paku Alam VIII in Yogya declared their sultanates to be part of the Republic of Indonesia. In return for this support, a law was passed in 1950 in which Yogyakarta was granted the status of province Daerah Istimewa (Special Region Province), with special status that recognizes the power of the Sultan in his own region's domestic affairs. By this act, Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX was appointed as governor for life. During the Indonesian National Revolution against the Dutch after World War II (1945-1950), the capital of the newly-declared Indonesian republic was temporarily moved to Yogyakarta when the Dutch reoccupied Jakarta from January 1946 until August 1950.

The current ruler of Yogyakarta is his son, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, who holds a law degree from Gadjah Mada University. Upon the elder sultan's death, the position of governor, according to the agreement with Indonesia, was to pass to his heir. However, the central government at that time insisted on an election. In 1998, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X was elected as governor by the provincial house of representatives (DPRD) of Yogyakarta, defying the will of the central government. "I may be a sultan," he has been quoted in Asia Week as saying, "but is it not possible for me to also be a democrat?"[2]

See also List of Governors of Yogyakarta See also Yogyakarta Sultanate