Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat stood since 1755 was founded by Prince Mangkubumi then the title of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I Pakualaman Duchy, established since 1813, founded by Prince Notokusumo, (brother of Sultan Hamengku Buwono II) and the title Duke of Paku Alam 1.
Both Kasultanan and Pakualaman, recognized by the Government as the Dutch East Indies empire with the right to set their own household. All that is stated in the contract politics. Last contract Kasultanan political Staatsblaad listed in the 1941 No.47, contracts and political Pakualaman in Staatsblaad No. 1941. 577.
At the proclamation of independence R1, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Sri Paku Alam VIII wire tap kepadaPresiden RI, said that the Regional Kasultanan Yogyakarta and the Regional Pakualaman become part of the State of RI region, sertabergabung into one, creating a unity Regional lstimewa Yogyakarta. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Sri Paku Alam VIII as head of the Regional Representative and Head of the Regional responsible directly to the President. Grip is legal:
a.Piagam position of Sri Sultan (Hamengku Buwono IX and S. Paku Alam VIII dated 19 August 1945 dart President.
b.Amanat Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and the Message of Sri Paku Alam VIII 5 September 1945 (which made its own separately).
c.Amanat Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Sri Paku Alam VIII, dated 30 October 1945 (which made together in one script).
4 January 1946 to 27 December 1949, the city became the capital of RI State, in fact, struggle even to the time that is up, almost alone RI State finished memoirs. Therefore, leaders of the nations that fought together and in the time it has memory of the city of Yogyakarta. Moreover, youth-pemudanya after the war finished, continue studies at the University of Gajah Mada, a State University who first established by the Indonesian Government, once a living monument to commemorate the struggle of Yogyakarta.
At this time the Kraton, led by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and Puro Pakualaman led by the Sri Paduka Paku Alam IX. Both play a very decisive role in maintaining cultural values and customs of Java and Yogyakarta is a unifier community.
Then the State issued Decree Law Main Regional Government, namely law. 1 year 1957. No determination of the President. 6 years in 1959 (enhanced), and the law. 18 years l964. These are set with regard pembentukanPemerintahan Autonomous Region. The last Act - Act No.. 5 tahuri 1974 on Key Regional Government in the set except Autonomous Regional Government, at the same time mengaturPemerintahan Administrative.
As at the Regional Autonomous Province, Yogyakarta formed by retired with the Act undangNo. 3 1950 jo. No. 19 1950, which is still valid. Law. 5 1974 Rules Chapter VII Article 91 (b) states that the Regional Head and Deputy Head of Yogyakarta, which is now the Head of Regional and Deputy Head of Regional Head and Deputy Head of the Regional Special District, according to this law, a Regional Head and Deputy Head of Regional Head of Yogyakarta, which is not bound by the provisions of tenure, and how the terms of appointment for Regional Head and Deputy Head of Regional others.
With 18 basic articles Basic Law, 1945, the Council of People's Representatives of the Province of Yogyakarta want to position as a Special Area for the Regional Level I, remain sustainable, given the history with the establishment and development of the Government of place that should be respected.
Article 18 of Basic Law in 1945 that stated that "the division of the Regional Indonesian region of the large and small, with the order form of government established by law with the look and remember the basic permusyawaratan system in the State Government and the rights of origin in that region Special ".
Yogyakarta was established by Act No.3 1950, in accordance with the purpose of Article 18 is the 1945 Constitution. Mentioned that the Yogyakarta include the former Regional Kasultanan Yogyakarta and the Regional Pakualaman.
After Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX died on 3 October 1988, Sri Paku Alam VIII, Vice Governor of Yogyakarta Special Derah head appointed to perform the duties and authority of day-to-day head of the Governor of Yogyakarta, given the position as head of the Governor's Office Yogyakarta, based on the decision No President. 340 1988.
As the capital of the Province of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta rich predicate, both derived from the history and the potential that exists, such as the city struggles, the city of culture, the city students, and city tourism.
A city of struggle for this city with regard to the role of Yogyakarta in the constellation struggle of the Indonesian nation in the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese colonial era, the era and the struggle to maintain independence. Yogyakarta has become a central government, both the Mataram kingdom (of Islam), Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Duchy Pakualaman.
A city of culture for the city is closely related to the heritage-valued cultural relics during kingdoms, which until now still remain sustainable. The term is also associated with many centers of art and culture. Mataram, a word used a lot now, no other is a pride of the triumph of the Kingdom of Mataram.
Predicate for the city as students associated with the history and role of this city in the world of education in Indonesia. In addition to the various education at every level of education available in this province, in Yogyakarta, there are many students and students from all regions in Indonesia. Yogyakarta is not excessive when called as a miniature of Indonesia.
A city of Yogyakarta as the potency of tourism in the province is tourism specs. Yogyakarta is the region's second largest tourist destination after Bali. Various kinds of tourism objects developed in this region, such as natural tourism, historical tourism, cultural tourism, tourism education, in fact, the latest tour night.
Besides the title-predicate, the history and status of Yogyakarta is an interesting case for it. Name region using a DIY well as the Regional Special status. Yogyakarta status as a Special Area in connection with runutan the history of Yogyakarta, both before and after Independence Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia.
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