Hinduism recognize Tri-Murti, which consists of the Gods Brahmin as the Creator, as the Deity Wishnu affairs and Dewa Shiwa as the destroyer.
The main room of the temple complex of Prambanan temple by Dewa Shiwa as Mahadewa so it can be concluded that the temple mreupakan Prambanan temple Shiwa.
Prambanan temple or Shiwa is also often referred to as Roro Jonggrang temple, associated with the legend told about which Jonggrang a virgin or a tall girl, putrid Prabu (King, who in the Java language often called the Queen) Boko, who built his kingdom over the hill sebalah South Prambanan temple complex.
The edge of the temple is limited by the fence balcony, decorated with reliefs of the Ramayana can be enjoyed if we berperadaksina (walked around the temple with a central temple always in the right of us) through the tunnel. Stories that continues balusters on the Brahma temple, which is located on the left (the South) temple. Langakn are on the fence Wishnu the temple is located on the right (northern) temple, a Kresnadipayana relief terpahat the story of a small Prabu Krishna as the embodiment (drip) in the Deity Wishnu killing keangkaramurkaan that would engulf the world.
Room of the temple facing the kea rah contains a statue of Durga North, Dewa Shiwa queen, but people generally call as Roro Jonggrang statue, which according to legend, the stone statue was living body from purti beautiful, which was condemned by the Bandung Bondowoso tournament, to complete capacity to create a thousand sculptures in one night.
Brahma temple and the temple that is now Wishnu finished pemugarannya each only have 1 room by a statue of deities concerned.
Before the third temple of the Deity Trinity is the fruit of three temples that contain vehicle (the vehicle) is the third deity. The third temple was renovated and now only in the temple (in front of the temple Shiwa), which still contains a statue of animal cow named Nandi, the vehicle Dewa Shiwa. Statue goose senagai vehicle garuda statue of Brahma and as a vehicle Wishnu estimated that fill the first room-room temple is located in front of the Deity of the second temple, has been renovated.
Sixth temple is a 2 groups of sight, located on a square-shaped pages, along with the 110 meters.
Inside the pages are still standing other temples, the temple clamp 2 with a height of 16 meters sight, that a stand in the north and the other in the South, 4 fruit temple curtain, and 4 pieces temple corner.
Page in the Hindu community which is considered as the most sacral this page, located in the middle of the page that has the 222 meters, and in the first temples contain as many as 224 fruit perwara line beset hfalaman in 3 rows.
Outside the pages of this page, there are still outside the quadrilateral along with the 390 meters.
Prambanan temple complex built by kings Wamca (Diansty) Sanjaya in the 9th century and is now the object that tourism can be visited every day between 06.00-18.00 hrs WIB.
Prambanan temple complex is located only a few hundred meters from the road Yogya-Solo the vehicle passed the general public
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