Great Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. born on Maulud 12 months, from three months to a year of Java. Sekaten ceremony is a preliminary warning from the days of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Held on 5 to 12th from the same month.
At the time - the beginning of the development of Islam in Java, one of the Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijogo namely, make the Javanese gamelan musical instruments, as a means to entrap the public to come to enjoy the performance karawitannya.
For this purpose, the device is used 2 game, which has a pitch of the sound tuneful. Kyai Nogowilogo and Kyai Guntur Madu. In the sidelines - interrupt presentation, and then do the reading and preaching verse - verse from the Book of the holy Al-Qur'an. For those who are determined to embrace Islam, is required to sentence Syahadat, as a statement to obey the teachings of Islam. The term "Syahadat" spoken as "Syahadatain" is then gradually changed in pronunciation, so that a "Syakatain" and became the term "Sekaten" until now.
On 5 months Maulud, the second device sideways, Kyai Nogowilogo and Kyai Gunturmadu, removed from the storage shed in Sri Manganti, Ponconiti to the hall, located in the North Kemandungan (Keben) and in the afternoon start is in this place. Between 23:00 hrs to 24.00 hrs the second game device is moved to page the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta, the ring - palace servant succession row, accompanied by a bodyguard Palace uniformed soldiers complete.
Generally, the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings believe that by participating day celebrates the birth of Prophet Mohammed This will get the wage benefits of the Almighty, and awarded life. As a "Portgordon" (Conditions) it, they must munch betel page in the Great Mosque, especially on the first day of celebration started Sekaten.
Therefore, during a celebration held Sekaten, many people selling betel with herb, along with tasty side dish of rice in Kemandungan page, the plaza in front of the North and the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta.
For farmers, the opportunity to apply this so that the crops future success. To strengthen the commitment to this, they buy a thong (bhs. Java: whip) under the home.
During more than a month before the ceremony began Sekaten, the Regional Municipal Government, checked with the celebration of this night market, held in the plaza North of Yogyakarta.
At the time - the beginning of the development of Islam in Java, one of the Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijogo namely, make the Javanese gamelan musical instruments, as a means to entrap the public to come to enjoy the performance karawitannya.
For this purpose, the device is used 2 game, which has a pitch of the sound tuneful. Kyai Nogowilogo and Kyai Guntur Madu. In the sidelines - interrupt presentation, and then do the reading and preaching verse - verse from the Book of the holy Al-Qur'an. For those who are determined to embrace Islam, is required to sentence Syahadat, as a statement to obey the teachings of Islam. The term "Syahadat" spoken as "Syahadatain" is then gradually changed in pronunciation, so that a "Syakatain" and became the term "Sekaten" until now.
On 5 months Maulud, the second device sideways, Kyai Nogowilogo and Kyai Gunturmadu, removed from the storage shed in Sri Manganti, Ponconiti to the hall, located in the North Kemandungan (Keben) and in the afternoon start is in this place. Between 23:00 hrs to 24.00 hrs the second game device is moved to page the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta, the ring - palace servant succession row, accompanied by a bodyguard Palace uniformed soldiers complete.
Generally, the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings believe that by participating day celebrates the birth of Prophet Mohammed This will get the wage benefits of the Almighty, and awarded life. As a "Portgordon" (Conditions) it, they must munch betel page in the Great Mosque, especially on the first day of celebration started Sekaten.
Therefore, during a celebration held Sekaten, many people selling betel with herb, along with tasty side dish of rice in Kemandungan page, the plaza in front of the North and the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta.
For farmers, the opportunity to apply this so that the crops future success. To strengthen the commitment to this, they buy a thong (bhs. Java: whip) under the home.
During more than a month before the ceremony began Sekaten, the Regional Municipal Government, checked with the celebration of this night market, held in the plaza North of Yogyakarta.
Peak celebration Sekaten called Gerebeg Mulud. held on the twelfth day calendar month Mulud Java. This festival, starting at 7.30am, preceded by a parade escort empire that consists of 10 units: Wirobrojo, Daeng, Patangpuluh, Jogokaryo, Prawirotomo, Nyutro, Ketanggung, Mantrijeron, Surokarso, and Bugis. each unit has a uniform each. The event started from the north Kemandungan kingdom page, and then pass the Hinggil The Vanessa, and further north towards alun2.
10:00 am, gunungan leave the kingdom preceded by the troops and buginese surokarto. Gunungan made from food such as vegetables, beans, red pepper, egg, and I made several complements from sticky rice. Formed resembles a mountain, symbolizing prosperity and wealth of the land Mataram.
Parade greeted with a shot by security guards when the Palace plaza north, a procession of this kind, called Gerebeg. The word 'gerebeg' means' noisy sound derived from the cry of the people '. gunungan then taken to the Great Mosque for the blessed and then distributed to the public. people usually fight to get part of the gunungan because they believe that the food page contains miracle. The farmers usually planted the sacking of some gunungan in their land, with the belief this will protect them from bad luck and disaster.
According to the annual calendar of Java, there is another celebration of the Gerebeg and Gerebeg Shawwal. Both are usually held after Ramadan. Gerebeg Shawwal celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, and Gerebeg Large celebrated on the tenth month of the Javanese calendar on the day of the feast, Sacrifice (Eid ul-Adha), that symbolize the days of Muslims.
10:00 am, gunungan leave the kingdom preceded by the troops and buginese surokarto. Gunungan made from food such as vegetables, beans, red pepper, egg, and I made several complements from sticky rice. Formed resembles a mountain, symbolizing prosperity and wealth of the land Mataram.
Parade greeted with a shot by security guards when the Palace plaza north, a procession of this kind, called Gerebeg. The word 'gerebeg' means' noisy sound derived from the cry of the people '. gunungan then taken to the Great Mosque for the blessed and then distributed to the public. people usually fight to get part of the gunungan because they believe that the food page contains miracle. The farmers usually planted the sacking of some gunungan in their land, with the belief this will protect them from bad luck and disaster.
According to the annual calendar of Java, there is another celebration of the Gerebeg and Gerebeg Shawwal. Both are usually held after Ramadan. Gerebeg Shawwal celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, and Gerebeg Large celebrated on the tenth month of the Javanese calendar on the day of the feast, Sacrifice (Eid ul-Adha), that symbolize the days of Muslims.

Organized to celebrate the birth day of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono. The word 'labuh' in the Java language means throw something sacred objects to the river or sea.Labuhan of Kraton form of food, pieces of nails and hair-owned Sultan.
Iloilo is then thrown into the South Sea, with geographically-called Indian Ocean. Iloilo is intended as a tribute to the rulers of the southern sea, Kanjeng Queen of the South, with the hope that increased prosperity of the people of Jogja. Feast same also held at Mount Merapi and Mount Lawu.
Iloilo is then thrown into the South Sea, with geographically-called Indian Ocean. Iloilo is intended as a tribute to the rulers of the southern sea, Kanjeng Queen of the South, with the hope that increased prosperity of the people of Jogja. Feast same also held at Mount Merapi and Mount Lawu.
Is a celebration of the dedication stone with the probe's buried in a certain area. According to geological experts stone age 50 million this year, and only found in 3 hill in the world. Community believe if they do not give offerings there will be a disaster and tribulation. Although the hill is almost landslides and only leaving a few stones but this tradition still continues in the second calendar month Java: Sapar. Therefore, this celebration is called Saparan.
In dinihari, hundreds of people participated in the procession danfestival arts people. Peak celebration held at 2 in the afternoon, when a pair of bride 'bekakak' and the bride doll made of sticky rice with sugar syrup be cut after diarak I said in a procession by uniformed guards and traditional line of peoples carrying a lot of dedication.
In dinihari, hundreds of people participated in the procession danfestival arts people. Peak celebration held at 2 in the afternoon, when a pair of bride 'bekakak' and the bride doll made of sticky rice with sugar syrup be cut after diarak I said in a procession by uniformed guards and traditional line of peoples carrying a lot of dedication.
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