Peak of Merapi
Mount Merapi, is one - the only volcano in Yogyakarta. Located approximately 30 kilometers, north of the city of Yogyakarta and its peak form sand plains that are not flat, wide approximately 4 hectares, with some pit crater one-two of them always whiff of smoke thick, to mark the mountain Merapi is still active work.
When the mountain shows eruption fury, the public can see the cloud of Yogyakarta that smoke like a white or gray dusky forth above, is visible from a distance, such as pile fleece. However, if the mountain is in a state of "calm", Its enchantment that hit, so it stimulates the young who want to climb the mountain and adventure lovers of the sport climbing the mountain peak to conquer.
To reach its peak, can be two-way street. The first road through the village of Kinahrejo which is located approximately 2 kilometers in the east where recreational Kaliurang. The distance between the villages of Kinahrejo to the peak of Mount Merapi only about 9 kilometers, but the distance is usually takes 10 hours, given the difficult terrain on his ascent enough. But the fact that difficult terrain that is attractive to teenagers, because the average - the average so their morale is high, until all the factors as the difficulties it deems to defeated his challenges. The easier road, through the regional Selo Boyolali district of Mount Merapi is located between the mountains Merbabu, in Central Java province. Regional Selo this can be achieved from Yogyakarta with the vehicle bus to Kartosuro, next to Featherston. In the afternoon, the path of bus to this was difficult, until it is suggested that if you want to go to areas that cultivated before Selo from 13.00.
Also recommended to climb to the peak of Merapi is using the service guide or pilot. When forced to stay overnight, the guide is to provide for the needs of the house.
For the less interested in doing climbing up to the top, can still admire the beauty of this mountain Merapi, which varies from region is located approximately 2 kilometers Southeast of the city not, or can also see from Turi district, approximately 5 km in the city of West Kaliurang, if you want to see the peak of Merapi from a distance clearly, can be used binoculars observers from the Observer Post Mount Merapi in Plawangan, Kaliurang.
When the mountain shows eruption fury, the public can see the cloud of Yogyakarta that smoke like a white or gray dusky forth above, is visible from a distance, such as pile fleece. However, if the mountain is in a state of "calm", Its enchantment that hit, so it stimulates the young who want to climb the mountain and adventure lovers of the sport climbing the mountain peak to conquer.
To reach its peak, can be two-way street. The first road through the village of Kinahrejo which is located approximately 2 kilometers in the east where recreational Kaliurang. The distance between the villages of Kinahrejo to the peak of Mount Merapi only about 9 kilometers, but the distance is usually takes 10 hours, given the difficult terrain on his ascent enough. But the fact that difficult terrain that is attractive to teenagers, because the average - the average so their morale is high, until all the factors as the difficulties it deems to defeated his challenges. The easier road, through the regional Selo Boyolali district of Mount Merapi is located between the mountains Merbabu, in Central Java province. Regional Selo this can be achieved from Yogyakarta with the vehicle bus to Kartosuro, next to Featherston. In the afternoon, the path of bus to this was difficult, until it is suggested that if you want to go to areas that cultivated before Selo from 13.00.
Also recommended to climb to the peak of Merapi is using the service guide or pilot. When forced to stay overnight, the guide is to provide for the needs of the house.
For the less interested in doing climbing up to the top, can still admire the beauty of this mountain Merapi, which varies from region is located approximately 2 kilometers Southeast of the city not, or can also see from Turi district, approximately 5 km in the city of West Kaliurang, if you want to see the peak of Merapi from a distance clearly, can be used binoculars observers from the Observer Post Mount Merapi in Plawangan, Kaliurang.
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