Glagah Beach
Glagah Beach is one of the leading coastal beach tourism in Yogyakarta. The beach is located at Kulon Progo have a very good spread with a sand iron andalannya. In the coastal lagoons, there are a tour Tirta. existing facilities, among other bumu camp and Dragon Fruit plantations.

Kukup Beach

Kukup Beach
Pantai Kukup, located in the district of Gunung Kidul is a beach with superior power lines run, and white sand. This beach has a coral beach so that the excess is very comfortable to relax with the family.

Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis Beach
Beach is one of the beaches become the main destination of Yogyakarta. Beach's famous South Beach with a spectacular save a good view of the natural charm and legendanya, located in Bantul. Mrs legend Roro Kidul very strong mastarakat inherent in the heart of Java, either as the ruler of the south coast as well as a husband Javanese kings. Beach when this becomes one of the main tourist destination in addition to the Palace and Kaliurang. | |
Wediombo Beach
Wediombo Beach is located in the district of Gunung Kidul, is a beach that still shows the natural authenticity. Natural beach with a beautiful panoramic views, shaped bay with a spread of white sand is often used to enjoy the sunset with the perfect atmosphere.
source:Dinas Pariwisata, Seni & Budaya Yogyakarta
source:Dinas Pariwisata, Seni & Budaya Yogyakarta
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