Sonobudoyo Museum
Tuesday's Thursday: 08.00-13.00 hrs WIB
Friday & Saturday: 08.00-11.00 hrs WIB
Sunday: 08.00-12.00 hrs WIB

Sri Sultan HB IX Museum
The museum is located in the Palace complex in Yogyakarta inaugurated by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X 18 November 1990. Objects or equipment, photographs, signs and services and goods displayed in the museum, this special miik and received deceased Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX. Hours open simultaneously with the Kraton.

Kraton Museum
The existence of the Palace Museum is herself on the government of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII and the government of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII.
Palace has several museums, known as the Palace Museum in Yogyakarta. Museum-museum, which is intended Painting Museum, the Palace Museum, the Museum Buwono IX, and the Railway Museum. Hamengku Buwono IX museum is located in the Palace complex, save a few items that have been used Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX berbagain including photographic equipment. Kerata Museum is located at the west side of the Palace, precisely in the way Rotowijayan.
The museum store various collections of the Palace train property, some of it is Kyai Yeksa Garuda, which is used to train carnival in the series of events penobatan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VI to X; Kyai Jaladara-Sultan used for the task of mobile village; and Kyai Kanjeng used Lamat-Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I to III for the event Garebeg pick or special guests.
Palace Museum is situated on land 14,000 square meters wide with the building berciri artiektur Java.

Batik Museum Ullen Sentalu
Palace has several museums, known as the Palace Museum in Yogyakarta. Museum-museum, which is intended Painting Museum, the Palace Museum, the Museum Buwono IX, and the Railway Museum. Hamengku Buwono IX museum is located in the Palace complex, save a few items that have been used Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX berbagain including photographic equipment. Kerata Museum is located at the west side of the Palace, precisely in the way Rotowijayan.
The museum store various collections of the Palace train property, some of it is Kyai Yeksa Garuda, which is used to train carnival in the series of events penobatan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VI to X; Kyai Jaladara-Sultan used for the task of mobile village; and Kyai Kanjeng used Lamat-Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I to III for the event Garebeg pick or special guests.
Palace Museum is situated on land 14,000 square meters wide with the building berciri artiektur Java.

Batik Museum Ullen Sentalu
This museum in the design using the concept and built from traditional materials, local stones, and located in Kaliurang, on the slopes of Mount Merapi.
Here, the spirit of Ullen Sentalu found in Dalem Kaswargan. The museum is designed with a very beautiful, is dedicated to the appreciation in the community objects of art history and natural beauty of Java and found that at the height of Kaliurang.
Open: Tuesday - Sunday (09.00 am to 04.00 pm).
Affandi Museum
Here, the spirit of Ullen Sentalu found in Dalem Kaswargan. The museum is designed with a very beautiful, is dedicated to the appreciation in the community objects of art history and natural beauty of Java and found that at the height of Kaliurang.
Open: Tuesday - Sunday (09.00 am to 04.00 pm).
Affandi Museum
The museum is located on the north side of the road Solo number 167, exactly on the slopes of the West River bridge Gajah Wong. Style of the paintings included in the flow eksperesionisme.
Affandi the deceased has received many awards from countries in Asia and Europe, in addition to the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Singapore receives.
The museum is open for public visits. Sunday's Saturday 09.00-13.00 WIB.

The Museum of Vredeburg
Affandi the deceased has received many awards from countries in Asia and Europe, in addition to the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Singapore receives.
The museum is open for public visits. Sunday's Saturday 09.00-13.00 WIB.

The Museum of Vredeburg
In the Dutch colonial period, it was the mess the military government army troops Netherlands, which was built in the year 1765. This fortress is located right in front of the building Gedung Agung, with the purpose to protect Resident Netherlands who live in the building. Tracing the location of the establishment, this fortress also seemed deliberately built to military movements that might arise from the Kraton, which is located only 1 gunshot cannon (cannon ancient) from this stronghold. This is evident from the location of the altar is located on the cannon South (to the Palace).
From the altar of the cannon (cannon), we can see the busy traffic around the ancient buildings from the mid 19th century, which until now is still well maintained and remain keantikannya. The museum is open on the day:
Tuesday's Sunday: 08.30-14.00 hrs WIB
Friday: 08.00-11.00 hrs WIB
Saturday-Sunday: 08.30-12.00 hrs WIB

Kekayon Museum
From the altar of the cannon (cannon), we can see the busy traffic around the ancient buildings from the mid 19th century, which until now is still well maintained and remain keantikannya. The museum is open on the day:
Tuesday's Sunday: 08.30-14.00 hrs WIB
Friday: 08.00-11.00 hrs WIB
Saturday-Sunday: 08.30-12.00 hrs WIB

Kekayon Museum
The museum inaugurated by the Governor of the Head of Yogyakarta Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII on 5 January 1991. 9 units occupy the building with more spacious 1.1 hectares of land. Located at km 7 with a phone number 513218.
In this museum can be witnessed some type of waayang among others: Movies Purwo, Movies Madyo, Thengul Movies, Movies Klithik, Waayang and several others. Movies are made of leather, wood, cloth, and paper. In addition to the puppet collection, there are also types of masks.
Building called the Sasono Pratelo is a place of information about myself and Topeng. This museum can be visited opened to the public every day at 08.00-15.00 WIB contact with the managers first.
In this museum can be witnessed some type of waayang among others: Movies Purwo, Movies Madyo, Thengul Movies, Movies Klithik, Waayang and several others. Movies are made of leather, wood, cloth, and paper. In addition to the puppet collection, there are also types of masks.
Building called the Sasono Pratelo is a place of information about myself and Topeng. This museum can be visited opened to the public every day at 08.00-15.00 WIB contact with the managers first.
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