Original-nature.blogspot.com > Cijayana Beach is one of the beaches in the area Pameungpeuk-Garut potential to be a tourist beach. The beach is precisely located in the Village Cijayana Mekarmukti Garut district has a total area of approximately 9 ha with the general configuration of flat land and gently sloping land with a slope stability and soil is good soil absorption. This beach has the type of soil material in the form of fine sand with brownish white natural color. Cijayana beach is a beach that has a wide beach with a width> 200 m and a length of> 2000 m, and pandanus bidur as the dominant flora at the edge of the beach.
Stability is a good beach for a small abrasion level, and have a fairly good water conditions, such as the blue color of water with normal water smell and temperature normal. Cijayana Beach has an average wave height of 1 m, and wind power and solar radiation is sufficient, so that it can be developed on the beach sunbathing activities. Environmental quality at this beach and not enough there are various forms of pollution, cleanliness and condition of the landscape was still not exploited. This was due Cijayana beaches untouched by the wide range of tourist facilities, especially facilities. To enjoy the scenery on the beach this Cijayana, visabilitasnya very free and has low noise level.
As for the infrastructure as a whole infrastrur are reviewed from the nearest residential locations, namely in the form of electricity resources come from PLN (to the nearest residential areas), the source water comes from wells? wells located in residential areas that have adequate water quality both in terms of clarity, taste, and smell the water is normal. To go there Cijayana coastal highway with a class; road district that has a width of 3 m, there is road access to the location of the beach with a road width of 3 m and length <1 km with sufficient quality. As for public transport vehicles which have a motorcycle taxi and costs around Rp. 2000-5000 / person (from the village closest to the location of the beach). Support facilities in nearby settlements which formed as a stall; located in front of the entrance to the beach location, places of worship in the form of small mosque residents, PHC health facilities in the form of a servant, and security facilities that support the safety of local villagers to the location.
This beach has a small lake on the edge of the beach location. And activities that can be done on the beach that still has not managed it is, enjoy the scenery, photography, fishing, picnicking, sunbathing, sightseeing, and playing on the beach. The pattern of land ownership from the coastal village land Cijayana is dedicated to agriculture, the allocation of places for tourism, and most are still in the form of vacant land that has not been managed. (source: pariwisata.garutkab.go.id)
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