original-nature.blogspot.com > "In the last two years, Jambi continues to improve itself," said Head of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Jambi, Dra Muallimah Radhiana.
Agenda prepared by 2009 to increase tourist visits both at home and abroad, among others, the Lake Kerinci Festival, Indonesian Arts degree, and Muarojambi Temple Festival, held every Vesak Day.
Jambi province is also open access to natural tourist sites, history, and culture.
"In 2009 we were ready, in addition to continue to prepare a variety of tour programs," said Muallimah.
Welcoming VJY 2009, Jambi also fix several tourist attractions such as Temple Muarojambi in Jambi, Danau Kerinci and four national parks in Jambi.
To succeed VJY 2009, Jambi Governor H Zulkifli Nurdin has collected all the employers who are members of tourism associations, such as Asita, the Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants (PHRI).
They expressed readiness to succeed and market potential of natural and historical attractions in Jambi at home and abroad to increase tourist visits.
Zulkifli claimed Jambi Province will hold back major events such as arum cascade in Stem Merangin, Muarojambi Temple Festival, the Lake Kerinci Festival Society and the Jambi Cultural Week of Enchantment.
Reflecting the experience VIY 2008, to face Visit Jambi Year (JVY) 2009, need to overhaul the entire infrastructure starting from a tourist attraction to the other support.
Jambi provincial government expects domestic tourists and mencanegara which will see the temple festival Muarojambi Batanghari can use the river as far as the temple complex.
In addition Muarojambi Temple Festival and the International Rafting Competition at Batang Merangin, Jambi will hold various kegaiatan Concerned Citizens of Lake Kerinci Festival in July 2009, the Jambi Cultural Week Enchantment done in the city of Jambi in December 2009, and the International Lion Dance Festival in the city of Jambi in July 2009 .
Furthermore, off-road motor sports activities at the international level in the district. Merangin in June 2009, the Kite Festival in November and Kerinci in Jambi studded Discount in May in all districts and cities.
Other supporters of the Festival was also held competitions of international level folk fairy tales, Intersection theater and a painting exhibition of Sumatra that was held in November and December 2009.
From a variety of activities are expected to total tourist arrivals in 2009 increased. The number of foreign tourist and the country that are coming to the Jambi Province in 2008 has reached 800 thousand people.
"To be able to enjoy views of the River Batanghari, we will offer our guests to enjoy the temple festival Muarojambi from the river," said Muallimah.
Jambi is optimistic that tourists visit came on the agenda for 2009 will increase compared JVY Jambi face VIY 2008.
National Parks
Jambi also fix the three national parks located in six districts in order to increase the number of tourists visit the area.
To support tourism, the built facilities such as "home stay" on the outskirts of the national park zone. "Home stay need to be built in certain zones to accommodate the tourists visiting the park," said Maullimah.
According Maullimah foreign tourists from Europe, Australia and Canada who have visited the National Park Kerinci Sebelat (TNKS), Hill National Park Twelve (TNBD) and Berbak National Park (BNP), all recognize the difficulty in finding a place to live.
However, to fix the park, Disbudpar need to have the support of all sectors in both the local and central.
Three national parks in Jambi Province has the specifications and characteristics of different and has its own characteristic.
"Until now investors eager to invest to build the resort and the" home stay "in the buffer zone at the point closest to the park, still less," said Muallimah.
Also Disbudpar Jambi province also was thinking about a partnership between star hotel and jasmine so intertwined mutually beneficial cooperation.
The government only as a facilitator and the entrepreneur perpetrators. So the expected seriousness of entrepreneurs in cooperation with the Provincial Government of Jambi to achieve and succeed VJY VIY 2008 and 2009.
The government set the year 2009 with the visit Jambi tourism momentum commemoration of 100 years of national awakening to the resurrection of Jambi tourism.
Mualimah explains, Jambi currently has 11 star hotels, 107 hotels and seven home stay, as well as 33 restaurants and 342 restaurants, is ready to welcome VJY 2009.
Tourism potential reaches 269 attractions, 46 Bureau travel, convention services and 117 five Arts Studio spread over 10 districts and cities in Jambi.
The number of tourists visiting the archipelago to Jambi from year to year also increased. If in 2004 was 34,000 people, 25,000 people and foreign tourists, in 2005 tourists menigkat approximately 35,000 people and 28,000 people of foreign tourists.
In 2006 relatively stagnant, ie, 35,000 domestic tourists and 27,000 foreign tourists.
Meanwhile, entrepreneurs and travel travel agency in the DPD Asita terbagung Jambi ready to package tour packages are worth selling to welcome VIY 2009.
Chairman of the DPD Asita Jambi, M Ali Rahman Siwoon said in Jambi-worthy tour package sales, and it has been tested in 2007 in Jambi in a tour package sales market activity or Jambi Travel Mart (JTM) in collaboration with local government held a number of DPD Asita in Indonesia.
Traffic flows in domestic and foreign tourists to Jambi could be improved, because Jambi Asita Asita has formed a partnership with Bali to bridge the inflow of foreign tourists.
To welcome VJY, Jambi Asita try to offer a package of eco-tourism (ecotourism), such as Nature Reserve Berbak Berbak National Park (BNP) East Tanjung Jabung (Tanjabtim), and the temple site Muarojambi .* (source: http://matanews.com/2008/10/31/danau-kerinci-dan-candi-muaro-jambi/)
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