Visitors who come from out of town or foreign tourists who want to know more about the ins and outs of Suhom Waterfall, in this place there are tour guides that come from local residents.
The position of this waterfall in the middle of beautiful natural scenery and natural. All around there are many durian trees, so that the durian season, many of which sell durian in the vicinity of waterfalls. In addition, in the vicinity of the waterfall there is also the location of which can be used for camping (camping).
A rushing waterfall is a source of electrical energy for the communities around the village of Kreung Kala. A micro hydro power plant has been built near the waterfall and operated for getting electricity to 200 families (Head of Family) Kreung Kala village residents.
All the way from Banda Aceh to the location of the waterfall, lay with stunning scenery of extraordinary beauty, white sand waves and visible near along the road, and also shows the high mountain ranges and beautiful.
This waterfall is located in the Village and Village Suhom Kreung Kala, Lhoong, Aceh Besar District, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia.
To achieve Waterfall Suhom from Banda Aceh, takes approximately one hour by using the transport. Travel there via Route Banda Aceh - Calang (Aceh Jaya), past Lampuuk Beach, Beach Lhoknga and Leupung District.
Every day, especially on Saturdays and Sundays the place is located about 55 kilometers from the center of Banda Aceh is often visited by hundreds or even thousands of people of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, and even some that had come from Lamno, Aceh Jaya regency.
Besides having a bathing pool deep and wide, the visitors also can enjoy the green scenery and treat food and drinks from a number of stalls run by local residents with a relatively cheap price.
And for visitors who are curious about the source of the flow of the waterfall located at the top of the mountain can be explored with a steep climb up some stairs. But for this one thing only allowed for men only, according to manager of a tourist attraction that is written on the door steps.
"Specialism route went up for men is intended to avoid the occurrence of many things that are contrary to Islamic Law, especially where the forest is very dense and far from jangakauan our eyes," said one local resident, Abdullah.
Although during the conflict, this tourist attraction was abandoned and neglected, but now Lhoong waterfall tour began back ogled by local and foreign tourists as well as the environment became more neat and clean.
"In times of conflict, this area included the area very vulnerable to even a black zone. So only if reasonable first Lhoong waterfall tour is rarely known by the community, "said Abdullah.
Meanwhile, Mistaruddin, visitors from Banda Aceh, said Lhoong waterfall tour is a great place to visit, she enjoy doing, besides still very natural, the place also within easy reach.
"Indeed, the Banda Aceh - Meulaboh currently still under construction, but even so the mileage on the way can still be traversed by vehicles and only takes 1 hour from the city of Banda Aceh," said Mistaruddin.
So for those of you who enjoy natural tourist attraction, it never hurts to try to visit a waterfall Lhoong, Aceh Besar in order to enjoy the natural scenery tired tired during the workday may be gone once you get there.
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