Original-nature.blogspot.com > Ranau Lake is the largest and most beautiful lake in South Sumatra are located in the district of South Uko District Court of Appeal (formerly the entrance area Ogan Komering Ulu). Located approximately 342 km from the city of Palembang, 130 km from the city Baturaja, and 50 kilometers from Muara Dua, the capital of South OKU, with the distance to the car about 7 hours from the city of Palembang. Meanwhile, from Bandar Lampung, this lake can be reached via Bukit Kemuning and Liwa. Geographically, the lake is situated in the border district of South Sumatra Province OKU South and West Lampung regency of Lampung Province.
Lake Ranau which has an area of about 8 × 16 km with a mountain backdrop Seminung (± 1880 m altitude above sea level), surrounded by hills and valleys. At night the air was cool and sunny in the daytime temperatures range between 20 ° - 26 ° Celsius. Located on the position of 4 ° 51'45 "south and longitude 103 ° 55'50" east longitude.
According to the legend that is, the lake is created from a large earthquake and volcanic eruption of the volcano makes a big basin. Large rivers which formerly flowed at the foot of the volcano that later became the main source of water that fills the hollow / hemisphere it. And eventually that big hole filled with water. Then around the new lake began overgrown with various plants, including plants bush by the local residents called Ranau. So the lake was also dinamakanlah Lake Ranau. Time was now the volcano Mount Seminung that stands firmly on the shores of the lake water clearly.
On the other hand in the mountains Seminung there are natural hot springs that come out from the bottom of the lake. In the vicinity of the lake can also be found Subik waterfall. Another interesting place to visit is Marisa Island which is located not far from the hot water.
We, a group, took time to stay at the guesthouse Varita Pusri located on the shores of Lake Ranau this. Strategic place to enjoy the beauty of this lake. Sadly, as asset management Ranau lake tourism is felt very lacking. Some of the supporting infrastructure, such as access roads and electricity, have been inadequate.(fource: infokito.wordpress.com)
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