- http://www.mediafire.com/?95626506jq5zy2j Nere nammidhi - Kaanada
- http://www.mediafire.com/?v3gl4xdkxtxtltc Vaathapi - Hamsadhwani
- http://www.mediafire.com/?pxg2k645rex3hj2 Laawanya raama - Poornashadjam
- http://www.mediafire.com/?jlomr7j6gcj7ltb Raghuvamsa - Kadhanakudhoogalam
- http://www.mediafire.com/?7dakly0035sx3pj Saadhinchane - Aarabhi
- http://www.mediafire.com/?uizxzeyjr8x88h3 Siva siva siva enaraadha - Kaamavardhini
- http://www.mediafire.com/?15pbjhjbj8u6k1b Koniyaded - Kokiladhwani
- http://www.mediafire.com/?sphcxl4heol43ew Endhuku - Sankarabaranam
- http://www.mediafire.com/?tc9u0h3v44c4bq9 Meera bhajan - Vaageswari
- http://www.mediafire.com/?5jbkyignffvr9f3 Jagadhodhaarana - Pilu
- http://www.mediafire.com/?bwrpkfhbvgpubl7 Muralidhara - Maand
- http://www.mediafire.com/?81c5g5ucvs7w5ww Jagatjanani - Rathipathipriya
- http://www.mediafire.com/?zwsybsimk38oori Mangalam and Vaazhiya sendhamizh
I am here to tell you, to promise you in fact, that simple, tiny changes made one minute at a time, one experience at a time, will positively change your life and every outcome of every experience, in powerful (though sometimes subtle) ways.
- uhgarmusic said...
- Dear Sir, Both 11th and 12th are pointing to 'JagathJanani'. Please look into it. Thanks againfor this wonderful compilation of Dr. Narmadha. With Regards, Raghu.
- Dear Mr. Raghu, Thanks for pointing out the error. I have corrected it.
- uhgarmusic said...
- Dear Sir, Thank you; but, now the link no 12 is still 'Jagath Janani', while 10th and 11th point to 'Muralidhara'.. The listing now is: 10# http://www.mediafire.com/?bwrpkfhbvgpubl7 Muralidhara - Maand 11# http://www.mediafire.com/?bwrpkfhbvgpubl7 Jagatjanani - Rathipathipriya 12# http://www.mediafire.com/?81c5g5ucvs7w5ww Mangalam and Vaazhiya sendhamizh. We are missing the 12th entry - 'Managalam'. Current 12th is the correct ones for 'Jagath Janani' (11th entry). Please look into it. And, Thank youonce again! With Regards, Raghu
- Dear Mr. Raghu, The whole confusion is due to the missing link of Jagadhodhaarana.(No 10) I hope now everything will be in order
- uhgarmusic said...
- Dear Sir,Thank you! I thought we had only 12 numbers; instead, we have got one more - that hidden one! 'Jagadhodharana!'....How wonderful!Thank you sir so much!With Regards,Raghu.