ಮಂಗಳವಾರ, ಮಾರ್ಚ್ 15, 2011
Duikboot Tours
original-nature.blogspot.com > Toerisme Bay Water Jailolo bewerk
Mariene en vissery Halbar Kadis, Frederik gesê, is die inskrywing van die Golf Jailolo as toerisme-ontwikkeling areas onder die see in Indonesië gelewer deur die Minister van maritieme sake en Visserye, Fadel Muhammad, tydens 'n besoek in Jailolo laaste week.
Ministerie van maritieme sake en Visserye om in die Golf van Jailolo as toerisme-ontwikkeling areas onder die see, want dit het 'n pragtige panorama van die baai onder die see en die potensiaal om besoek te word deur toeriste van beide binne en buite die land.
Frederik het gesê die plaaslike regering sterk ondersteun die insluiting Halbar Jailolo Golf streek onder water toerisme-ontwikkeling geword in Indonesië, want sedert die begin van plaaslike regering het die Golf Jailolo as een van die eerste toeriste-aantreklikheid.
Trouens, sedert 2009, Pemkab Halbar maak Jailolo baai as 'n plek Jailolo Bay fees. Die fees sal nagestreef word in die nasionale toerisme kalender van gebeure.
"Pemkab Halbar het ook verskeie programme wat die bestaan van Golf Jailolo te ondersteun as onderwater-aantreklikhede, soos intensivering van die uitbreiding van die gemeenskap die Golf Jailolo te behou," het hy gesê.
Om die behoud van die Golf Jailolo, het Pemkab Halbar uitgereik 'n verbod vir die gemeenskap wat die rots in die Golf Jailolo te neem in boumateriaal en moenie toelaat vistuig wat kan skade koraalriwwe in die streek.
Pemkab Halbar ook die behoud van bestaande mangrove woude langs die Golf Jailolo het probeer, selfs die plaaslike regering het gestuur spanne na die eiland van Bintan, Riau Islands die mangrovebos teelt tegnieke te bestudeer.
Frederik Halbar drang mense, veral dié in die kus plekke Jailolo om dit te bewaar, omdat die gemeenskap sal nie net die inkomste uit visvang geniet, maar ook van die toerisme-aktiwiteite in die streek.
Ander streke in Indonesië wat onder andere die Ministerie van maritieme sake en Visserye op die gebied van toerisme-ontwikkeling onder die see waarin Raja Ampat in Wes Papua, Maluku Eilande en Eilande Arbeid Togean in Sentraal-Sulawesi.
(Source: http://portalnesia.com)
Hidden paradise
NORTH SULAWESI (North Sulawesi) is very famous for underwater tourism, Bunaken. Actually, many other underwater tourism potential here, for example, coastal areas and under the sea in Southeast Minahasa.
Well, if you are on vacation enjoying the underwater paradise of Bunaken are strongly encouraged to try to explore the beauty of marine life in the newly established district. Ratatotok precisely in the area. Here at least there were 13 point dive or diving. Among other things, Totok Bay, Daydream Island, Buyat Bay, Bay Sikoad, Bohaba Bay, and Island of Bones.
To reach the site does need a "sacrifice", but got there all that you sacrifice definitely paid off. To reach the location of Sam Ratulangi Airport, Manado, it took nearly four-hour road trip.
Travel time of three hours passed with smooth asphalt road condition and the rest you will feel the journey full of holes, off road! Drug antimabuk land must also be prepared. Do not worry about transportation.
Because, a lot of taxis and vehicles can be rented lined up at the airport. Not too expensive, only Rp550.000. That has included gasoline and driver with a duration of 24 hours.
On the way, you have ever crossed in Puncak, West Java, would be reminded of this region. Because, along the road you will encounter is the mountainous area. On the right side of the hill there berpohonan, while on the left side of splayed palm trees decorate the edge of the abyss of smallholders.
About food, tourists who come also do not need to worry. Because, there are a number of places to eat a decent stop off. For example, restaurants Sineleyan in Tomohon. This place can be an outlet to satisfy your culinary desires. As the name suggests, Sineleyan many fish serves a menu of sea water and fresh water. Of course, processed according to typical Manado.
The concept is creating its own comfort because it is located above a large pond. Mountain air will increase your appetite here. In addition to colored with beautiful natural scenery winding journey, also travel up and down.
Well to relieve nausea or bored, Stop and rest a while in the stalls of a resident in the area of Pangu Ratahan. They sell a variety of fruit crops, primarily fruits. It was pretty sweet, but if you want a bit wryly also exist. The price was not expensive.
After traveling about three hours, serving a view little changed, but more fun is guaranteed. Because, on the left side view of a blue expanse of ocean is very dear miss. Especially if the sea is at a bay where there are a lot of fishermen are netted fish.
Beautiful natural scenery certainly makes you lulled to unconscious journey has ended. If you've arrived at Ratatotok, precisely in Duct Tape Beach, tourists can take a break to enjoy the natural beauty here.
Then, do not forget to negotiate with the fishermen when renting a boat that will take you to the location of diving or snorkeling. Usually the fishermen set prices around Rp500.000. Well, if the boat has been obtained and diving equipment is available, you can quickly slide into the 13 point dive.
Due to the rather far away from each other, tourists can menyinggahinya not in a single day visit. Only, as a "warming" You can do snorkeling at a point between the outer island with the mainland Dakokayu from Cape Ratatotok. Here, marine life can be seen clearly from above the water without having to dive deeper.
This region is as deep as 5 meters. In addition to the natural reefs, you also can see the coral reefs of the implanted ball reff PT NMR few years ago.
"There are 3000 reff ball deployed since 1999 in seven points are useful to increase the fish population is reduced due to global warming," said Jerry Konjansow, Manager Environment NMR.
Calm waters strongly supports the smooth operation of snorkeling. When the ship shifted to the right, then you will find Buyat. Gulf that had been considered negative. However, actually in this place can be held dives with the location on the edge of the left side to the Gulf Coast Buyat Buyat.
The best diving places in the sloping site because here many marine organisms found unique. Coral cluster that lie at a depth of 5? 15 meters is rich in marine organisms. Among other things, nudibranchs, ghost pipefish, leaffish, and various types of small shrimp. (Sindo / / JRI)
source: okezone.com
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