original-nature.blogspot.com > As well as a tourist attraction Riau archipelago tourism potential personality
Tourism is the proper means to promote this beloved province. Because of the advantages our province compared to other provinces is the charm of its tourism. But is it true tourist islands of Riau province has been known by many people?
Riau Islands as a tourist attraction tourist island is known for its stinging cultural tourism and religious tourism as well as its natural beauty.
Anambas Islands tourist attraction also have a charming tourist attraction. there have stepped Padang Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Anambas. Linga district also has a million potential tourism, call it cultural richness Daik Linga as the former royal government center melayu, deserve to be a cultural tourism and religious tourism.
You know Lubuk beach? Perhaps not many know the depths of the existing beach in the district of Riau archipelago this gourd. let alone an outsider from the Riau Islands, the personality itself may not familiar with the attractions found in the area.
"Riau Islands The Beauty Of Nature" This is selogan who supposedly had created to promote tourism in the Riau archipelago.
To introduce the Riau Islands, we can not just expect the government alone. We as a society Riau Islands also have to play an active role Dalan introduce a tourist attraction located in the Riau archipelago. Whether it batam tourism, tourist island stinger, Linga, Natuna, Karimun and other areas located in the Riau Islands. All we have to participate actively involved in introducing the Riau archipelago tour and try to continue to develop it. Now to introduce the natural beauty of the Riau Islands and Riau Islands tourist attractions, as well as its potential area, we invite Encek segantang team-encek, Tuan-woman, saudare all to play an active role in meperkenalkan tourist attraction in our beloved province. (Source: http://dprd-kepriprov.go.id)
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