His name is often mentioned when there is bad weather. Yes, Jamuang Coral Island in the North West Madura Island is indeed often become a transit place for the traditional fishermen if bad weather trapped in the waters of Madura Strait. Island area of 4 hectares is located about 35 kilometers from the Port of Tanjung Perak and can be reached using a motor boat for 2.5 hours.
The strategic location at the mouth of the entrance to Surabaya cause it has a long history. Also recorded traces of the Dutch colonial administrator of the port there in the form of construction debris shipping guide officers mess.
It seems that the Dutch Government considers it important this island. Evidence, plengsengan Dutch era until now still standing there. Its length is almost 2 miles around the island. This is to keep the waves do not erode the island.
On the North coast of this island, there are 3 relics of the Dutch coastal defense bunkers. According Suharsono helmsman ship PT Pelindo III who had 20 years of living in Coral Island Jamuang as a cook, a longtime three bunkers that has 3 small caliber cannon.
But now the only remaining one, and even then had rusted and not terurus.Semenjak Dutch left, the island is still functioning as a guide shipping. A lighthouse with a height of about 80 meters was built there along with the construction of office navigation to guide ships wishing to enter the Port of Tanjung Perak and Gresik.
There are at least 10 people who live there. Altogether not local residents, but officials shipping guides from the Ministry of Transportation Directorate General of Sea Transportation. Their daily charge of operating the flare tower and guide the boat trip.
But behind its function as a guide ships through the Strait of Madura, Island Reef Jamuang have other charms. Vegetation and charming enough to enjoy the white sand. , A number of storks make Mangrove forests in the South side of this island as a habitat. In addition it also shows the common species of reptile Komodo bask in the vicinity of the bunker cannon Dutch heritage. White sands on the South coast also looks exotic.
This attraction plus the abundance of various kinds of fish, fit provoked. According Suharsono, in the waters of the Coral North Surabaya Jamuang usually a lot of people come fishing at the weekend. "Many small shark fish there," he explained. (Source: portalnesia.com)
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